Carousel — 04.23.10

DenaApril 23, 2010

Just got back from a visit to Pennsylvania a few hours ago. I drove out there yesterday to speak to a group of about 40 professionals & students at West Chester University on the topic of leadership. It was fantastic! What a great group of dynamic, forward-thinking individuals. Every time I am blessed with the opportunity to speak, I become more grateful.

A big thank you to all who made yesterday’s event possible. And now on to this week’s Carousel…


Every Friday, I post my favourite links, posts, & resources from around the Web. Expect to learn, grow, & be inspired.

1. Does Everything Really Happen for a Reason?: Maybe everything doesn’t happen for a reason; but rather it’s what we learn from the experience that gives it reason.

2. “I quilt”: Before you say: “I quit!” try saying: “I quilt!” A great piece of advice from the ever-brilliant Seth Godin.

3. Email And The Art of Short Replies: Oh yes, yes, yes! Thank you for this tip, Jonathan. I like it so much that I think I’ll start applying it to other areas of my life, like short dates, short workouts, and short blog posts. Not always, but in moderation. After all, I genuinely believe that my focus must always be on quality and not quantity.

4. REST AND RECOVERY: My schedule is not quite as hectic as Chris’s (I am not on a journey to visit every country in the world like he is!). Still, things have been slightly “busy” lately. In the past two weeks my travel schedule has been as follows: New Jersey > Bermuda > New Jersey > Boston > New Jersey > Pennsylvania > New Jersey. Yup. I’ve been everywhere man. I’m really loving (and need to start heeding) Chris’s sage words about R&R.

5. What Does The World Eat? Learning From Our Neighbors: Firstly, the photo-documentary referenced in this post is mind-blowing. Secondly, Amber’s thoughts about food are positively genius, as always. This one is a must-read.

6. Portion Size, Then Vs. Now: …And while we’re on the subject of food & healthy living… Houston we have a problem. This is incredibly disturbing.

7. Education Sucks: We were all thinking it. Was only a matter of time before someone came out and said it.

8. The Gift of Failure: Ten Reasons Why Falling Flat on Your Face is a Good Thing: I get knocked down, but I get up again! You’re never gonna keep me down! (Remember that song!?)

9. EU plans travel subsidy program: This is just too fantastic! One more reason why I am completely in love with the beautiful continent that is Europe. And I must say, I don’t agree with this blogger’s hesitation at all. I think it’s a brilliant idea.

10. My Asylum from the Insanity of Travel: Last, but certainly not least, I can’t get enough of Earl’s travel blog. His posts are always interesting & entertaining—definitely one of the best travel blogs I’ve come across. I love this post where he talks about his ever-evolving (& humorous) experiences in movie theatres around the globe.


That’s it for this week, loves of my life! I hope that your weekend is bursting at the seams with love & light.


Comments (6)

  • Karen

    April 23, 2010 at 8:46 pm


    You always find great articles that I some how managed to miss during the week.

    Love the short email post…. I never realized that I TOTALLY do that and reply in the length of the email. Interesting! 🙂

    1. Dena

      April 27, 2010 at 3:17 pm

      Thanks so much, Karen. I am really glad that you enjoyed this week’s posts & that I was able to show you a few that you’d missed! 😉

  • Earl

    April 23, 2010 at 11:33 pm

    Hey Dena – Thanks for the mention in this post. And it’s an solid list as always. I still can’t get over the Vagablogging article about the EU subsidizing travel!

    1. Dena

      April 27, 2010 at 3:17 pm

      Thanks for stopping by Earl. It’s always a pleasure to share your stuff. I really REALLY enjoyed your post about the theatres — amazing!

  • Amber

    April 24, 2010 at 1:47 pm

    Dena! Thanks for the shout out girly! Great list here of some fabulous bloggers. Looking forward to reading more of your work. happpy weekend!

    1. Dena

      April 27, 2010 at 3:18 pm

      Thank you for stopping by Amber. I am so in love with your blog, I can’t help but share! I’m trying really hard to remember all your words of inspiration every time I shop for food.

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