Easter // livelovesimple.com

Welcome to Live, Love, Simple. If you’ve come to learn a little bit more about us, then you’re in the right place…

spring blossoms


(Also known as Mama) — I am the keeper of this little blog. I am currently thirty-four-years-old and my birthday is the fifth of May. I am a Taurus. I am a stay-at-home mom / photographer / & blogger. I describe myself as an old soul, and a worrier-in-recovery. I practice kindness as a religion and I am plagued with wanderlust. I believe that magic is all around us, at all times, and it’s up to us to find it.


Roman James is five-years-old. He is as sweet & smart as they come. From day one, he changed my life, made me a better person, and taught me the true meaning of the word love.

He loves dinosaurs, learning, exploring, and making new friends at the park. You can learn all about my sweet Roman James right here.
Easter // livelovesimple.com


Marina Grace is three-years-old. She is my sassy little princess. From day one, she taught me the meaning of patience. She stretches my heart in ways that I never knew possible. She is my sunshine.

She loves giving hugs, playing with her dollies, and getting dirty. You can learn all about my beautiful Marina Grace right here.

simple kids wardrobes // livelovesimple.com

History of this Site

In July of 2009, I created this site to share my story and to teach other people how to follow the path from darkness to light. I was unhealthy, overweight, and suffered from severe anxiety and depression from the time I was fifteen until my early/mid-twenties. I tried various medications and therapies without success. Then, that all changed when I discovered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). With the tools that CBT gave me, I overcame my depression and anxiety, I lost seventy pounds, and I began to change my life.

Today, I do not often write about my journey and my past. Instead, I focus on the beautiful life that I have been blessed with and I count my one million blessings.

Comments (5)

  • Heather

    October 10, 2013 at 9:18 am

    Hi Dena, I am a late comer to your site.
    Amongst a few other things, my very special relationship ended a few weeks ago and I found this site while I was searching for inspiration to help me through this difficult period in my life. Although the pain is by no means over yet, I am starting to look at why it happened and trying to learn. Your story, life and beautiful site have been very uplifting. Thank you, Heather

    1. denabotbyl

      October 11, 2013 at 5:29 pm

      Thank you, Heather. I am so grateful to know that my story has helped you in some way. Best wishes to you on your continued journey. Sending you much love & light! XO

  • Jeri

    May 17, 2018 at 6:18 am

    Did you write “fate vs freewill”?

    1. Dena

      May 17, 2018 at 6:55 am

      Yes, I’ve written all of the content on this site.

  • Anya

    August 11, 2018 at 9:36 pm

    I’ve just discovered your blog and it really resonates with me. I’ve thought about starting a blog but have been fearful. It’s seems as if it’s a confirmation.

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