Hello, sweet friends! So I’ve been promising a big announcement here for awhile and today is the day. You know that we have been expanding our tiny homestead here & I’m so excited to share that today we are launching our new family farm store: Faith & Grace Farm! We are proud to be offering our fresh, homemade artisanal goods, cage-free organic chicken eggs, and local organic honey for sale…
suburban homesteading
Marina Grace in the Garden
“The question is not, — how much does the youth know? when he has finished his education — but how much does he care? and about how many orders of things does he care? In fact, how large is the room in which he finds…
Our First Honey Harvest
Last week we took our first harvest of honey. What an adventure it has been, a lifetime in the making. I’ve shared before that J. and I each came into our relationship with a dream of keeping honeybees one day. It was quite a surprise…
…from the gardens
Hello, friends. In just a few days, we’ll be flipping the calendar page to August. Oh, 2020, what an unexpected ride you have been. Around here it has been hot. Over 90° (32°C) every day for weeks now, and all of the humidity. It’s times…
summer in our gardens…
Here we are, friends, it’s the middle of July. Summer is here in all of its glory. I snapped these photographs around our yard on the first of the month. So much has already changed out there. We have so many vegetables on the vines…
Honey Bees + Financial Dreams
Thank you Lexington Law Firm for sponsoring this post. A high service partner and consumer advocate that will help you fight for the credit you deserve! Hello, friends! I hope that you are safe and well. Spring has truly sprung here in our little corner…
A Comprehensive Guide for Keeping Backyard Chickens
Hello, friends! Backyard chicken keeping seems to be exploding in popularity lately and I love it. It’s so wonderful to see people connecting to the origins of their food. There are many ways to get connected to our food–from keeping a garden, to sustainable hunting…
Bringin’ Home a Baby Honey Bee…
Over the weekend, another one of our long-time dreams came true: We got honey bees! J. and I have both been dreaming of having honey bee hives for years and years. A long time ago when we both realized it was something that we wanted,…
The Pandemic & Our Seedlings
We’ve just started our fourth week in quarantine. We’re going on a month of isolation. A couple of days before the decision was made to close my children’s school, I was in parent teacher conferences with their teachers. Roman’s teacher asked me if we had…