Okay, friends, it has been a crazy week over here. On top of the typical holiday prep, the twins came down with the flu. It was a wild ride involving 3 consecutive nights where they wouldn’t sleep unless they were in my arms. I can’t accurately explain what it is like trying to sleep with 2 one-year-old toddlers in your arms, but suffice to say, it didn’t involve much sleeping……
What You Really Need for Newborn Twins
Like everything else that I have tried to do since the twins were born, this post took me way longer than I had planned. I initially started writing this for a friend who was pregnant with twins. I wanted to give her a succinct list…
Eating at Restaurants with Kids: 4 Useful Tips
I have been wanting to share this post for years! I have been eating out at restaurants with kids for 9+ years now. Dining out is one of my favorite things, and even though doing so with kids can be tricky, we shouldn’t let that…
Spooky Season Preparations
I know that it’s only late August but I can’t help myself. One month is simply not enough time to celebrate my favorite season. Late August through November is a much more reasonable time frame, if you ask me. 😉 I can’t get enough of…
A Sustainable Back-to-School Guide
It is that time again. Summer is fading. The sound of the cricket’s song grows louder with each passing day. The colors in nature are shifting. The days grow shorter. We are on that most precious cusp of the golden hour of the year. Soon…
a year later
Here we are, a year later. Like most people who meet them, I am obsessed with their cheeks–soft and full and perfect. I cannot count how many times I have kissed those little cheeks, at least 30 times a day, every day, if I had…
Our Family Loves: Of Intention
Hello, sweet friends! I have been so eager to start sharing the things that our family loves once again. Today, I am finally here to do just that. Each week I will be sharing a new post featuring something that our family truly loves. From…
On Starting Over Again with Self-Kindness
During this first year of twin motherhood, my physical wellness has slipped away once again. Mentally and emotionally I’ve done remarkably well. I’ve been hit with obstacle after obstacle during these 12 months but I’ve handled it all with grace. I’ve remained present. I’ve enjoyed…