Back-to-School Tricks

3 Tips & Tricks for Back-to-School Time & 1st Day Jitters

DenaSeptember 5, 2018

This post has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #NixUltra #CollectiveBias

Back-to-School Tricks

If you’ve spent any time with me over this last year, then you’ve probably heard me talk cry about the fact that Roman is about to start kindergarten. It’s one of these things that most mothers go through. A beautiful and painful rite of passage as your child moves into the first official stage of his education. It’s a moment when, perhaps for the first time in a meaningful way, he stretches out his little wings and takes flight in this great, big world. It’s wonderful & it’s terrifying all at once. We sit back and we close our eyes and we pray so hard that everything that we have done thus far will have been enough to carry our baby through this first, momentous step.

Back-to-School Tricks

Back-to-School Tricks

For a lot of parents, it’s regular, old back-to-school time, and for some of us, it’s the start of kindergarten — and all of the emotion that that entails — but no matter what the case, we can all use some tips & tricks to make this transition as smooth as possible. So today, I want to share a few of the things that we will be doing as we kick off the school year in this back-to-school season.

Stock up the medicine cabinet. Germs are inevitable, along with lots of other not-so-fun things that come with the territory of having little ones close together in a small classroom. That is why I am always sure to stock up on all of the necessities in our medicine cabinet. I make sure that we have plenty of vitamins, pain relievers, and fever reducers on-hand. I never want to be caught in a position of having to run out in the middle of the night with a sick child because someone wakes up with a raging fever. I am so grateful that after five+ years of being a mama now, I usually know exactly what works to make my children feel better.

Another thing that I keep on hand, especially at back-to-school time, is a Nix Ultra® lice elimination system. Just like germs, lice are an unavoidable reality in many classrooms, and it is such a good idea to have a reliable treatment plan on-hand should you need it. I’ll talk more about this product further down in the post.

Back-to-School Tricks

Back-to-School Tricks

Pack a healthy, familiar lunch & snack. When Roman started preschool last year, his teacher sent home a list of things that we needed to do each day for our little ones. Giving them a healthy snack was at the top of the list. It’s so important that little ones have filling, nourishing snacks to get them through the day. Anything with too much sugar will make them crash, so choosing fresh, healthy foods that contain fiber and vitamins is the best way to go. I love Roman’s lunchbox because it has lots of small compartments, so I can fill it with a variety of his favorite foods. It gives him options, and lets me know that he’s got several nutritious choices. In the picture in this post, I’ve filled his lunch box tray with whole wheat cheddar crackers, cherry tomatoes from our garden, peanut butter cracker sandwiches, banana chips, and a mozzarella cheese stick.

Back-to-School Tricks

Back-to-School Tricks

Back-to-School Tricks

Bring along a familiar toy. Many teachers will allow children to bring in a special toy or keepsake with them on the first day or week of school. Roman always brings along one of his favorite dinosaurs. If the teacher doesn’t allow for a toy to be held in the classroom, you can still tuck it away into your child’s backpack or a pocket of her coat. Let her know that it is there and if she starts to get any first day jitters, tell her to think of that special toy and remember that it is there with her and that she will be back home with you soon. Roman loves school, but beginnings can be a little tough for him. He, much like his mama and papa, takes a little while to come out of his shell and this trick has always served him well for new beginnings.

Back-to-School Tricks

Back-to-School Tricks

As I mentioned above, Nix Ultra® will definitely be on-hand in our medicine cabinet as we start this school year. Lice is one of those not-so-fun parts of school, but it’s almost inevitable that every family will have a brush with it at some point through these fun elementary years of sharing everything from art smocks to baseball helmets to hairbrushes and so on. Nix Ultra® is the ultimate lice treatment to combat Super Lice, and there are so many benefits to using Nix Ultra® which we picked up at our local Walmart.


I keep Nix on-hand, just in case, because it is the #1 Pediatrician recommended brand, it’s non-toxic and pesticide free. A couple of the other benefits of Nix Ultra® is that it’s super easy to apply and it’s tough on lice (even resistant “super” lice), but still gentle on your little one’s skin.

Back-to-School Tricks

Back-to-School Tricks

Click here to download a coupon for $3.00 OFF any ONE (1) Nix Ultra® product valid through 3/31/19, to save on Nix Ultra®. Note that once your coupon is printed an expiration date will be generated, so be sure to pick up your Nix Ultra® product within 2 weeks. You can also use the Nix Lice Tracker to check for lice reports in your area and the Lice ID Tool for some great tips on how to check for lice.

I hope that this post has been helpful to you, friends. Here’s hoping for a fun-filled, joyous Back-to-School season for all. Lots of love always!

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