Dinosaur Birthday Party // Roman James is 6!
On May 7th, Roman James turned 6-years-old. To be honest, it was a difficult day for me. Somehow 6 feels so momentous–like a major transition from little boy to big boy. On that day, I found my heart to be full of gratitude & love, but also heavy beneath the weight of my children growing up… and away.
For those of you who have been reading my blog for years, you know that this thought has been on my heart since day one. From the moment that I became Roman’s mama, before he was even born, when I knew he was growing inside of me, I loved him with an intense fierceness. And when he was born, when he left my body to exist in his own body, separate from mine, I already felt myself missing him, even then. This is what motherhood is–allowing your own heart to be removed from your body and to exist separately from you. And it is beautiful and awe-inspiring and deeply painful all at once, just like life as a whole. The only choice that we have is to embrace it and to cherish every moment for the precious miracle that it is. And so I do my best.
With each year that passes, I have the honor of witnessing my children become the individuals who they were destined to become. I do my best to nurture, respect, and encourage them on their paths. Like all mothers, I find myself stumbling constantly; but always picking us all back up again too. I’ve always said that motherhood is my greatest adventure and this is so true, especially now. I cannot predict what fortune will throw our way in a given day, but I steadily aim to move along the path that God has laid out for us. And mostly, I do my best to do all things with love.
Roman James, my sweet boy, I hope that your year of being 6 will be full of every joy, magic & wonder. I hope that you will maintain your insatiable curiosity about all of this world’s intricacies. I hope that you keep asking questions. I hope that you stay sweet and sensitive and caring and bright as the stars. I hope that your hopes mean the most to you and that you will always follow the call of your own heart above all others. I hope that God’s grace will light up your spirit always and that you will rest easily in knowing that He is always there walking beside you and that you are never alone.
We celebrated Roman’s birthday in many ways this month, but his favorite was his Dinosaur Party. We were blessed with a glorious spring day and we had a few of his cousins & friends from school over for dinosaur activities, pizza, and cake. It was a special day of celebration. Here are a few snaps from the afternoon.
A few links to the party details…
Dinosaur Cake Toppers
Dinosaur Shirt
Dino Egg Dig Kit
Dinosaur Sun Catchers
Dinosaur Easy Readers
Dinosaur Table Settings
Roar Dinosaur Banner
Happy Birthday, Roman James! I love you to the moon & back, forever & always. xo
Comments (2)
Hayley Blake
May 22, 2019 at 5:29 pm
it feels like yesterday he was that little baby at the bottom of this post on his twelve month birthday! how quickly they grow! happy 6th bday Roman! big boy transition happens here at 5 because thats when they start school here and move on from Kindy. So i feel like weve already done the whole big boy thing. I feel like they def lose a bit of wonder and get way more sass when they are in a school environment. i hope roman retains some of that magic for sure.
its funny how in different countries its slightly different.Love the cake and dinosaur cookies!
chelsea jacobs
May 23, 2019 at 11:29 am
This is the absolute cutest!!