Highlight Your Hustle with GoDaddy!
Thank you GoDaddy for sponsoring this post. Get started on building your own website with GoCentral today!
For the past few years, I’ve had a little side hustle going on which is my weavings shop, Fox & Arrows. I had never been a weaver or a knitter in my life, but I always had a passion for yarn. For some reason, when Marina was just a tiny colic baby, I suddenly took an interest in weaving. I fell in love with the beautiful wall weavings that I would find on Pinterest & design blogs.
Back then, Marina was in my arms almost 24/7, so I could not even attempt to weave. However, while she would sleep in my arms, I would watch weaving tutorial videos on my phone. I ordered a loom and picked up some beautiful yarn in my local craft store. These things sat in a corner of my office for a long while, and then one day, when I was finally able to put Marina down for small stretches of time, I picked up my loom and I began to weave.
After all of that time spent watching videos, I had a fairly good idea of how to do it. The actual act of weaving was incredibly peaceful and calming. It was a balm for my soul during a chaotic time in my life. I was only able to work in small increments of time. It took me six months to finish my first piece, but when it was done, it was such a joy.
My grandmother was an artist. She created the most beautiful paintings. One time I asked her why she never had her paintings placed for sale in a gallery or shop — because she surely could have. She explained that each of her paintings was like a child to her. It was so difficult to part with them, so when she gave them away, she only gave them to people she loved as gifts. As I held my first completed weaving in my hands, I finally understood exactly what my grandmother meant.
In the years that followed, I made many more weavings. Eventually my walls became so full that I simply couldn’t house them all any longer. I decided, sad though it were, that I would share my joy. That is when my shop, Fox & Arrows, was born. I have had the honor of shipping my pieces around the country and even to other countries. For a long time, I have wanted to create a website for my shop, but with all of the time that I put into this blog, it was overwhelming to think about designing & building a new website from scratch.
Then recently, I was invited to try the new GoDaddy GoCentral website builder. I was so excited about this opportunity because I have been using GoDaddy to host this site (Live, Love, Simple) for nine years. I was finally able to build out the Fox & Arrows site that I had been dreaming of. It was so easy to do using GoDaddy GoCentral.
Seriously, even if you have no website-building experience whatsoever, the platform is simple and intuitive. With GoCentral, you can create a website for your side hustle in under an hour–without needing a full weekend to devote to getting a site up and running. GoCentral gives busy moms and dads an easy way to get their side hustle online and share it with the world, whether it’s getting an online store up, or providing a centralized place with info on a service.
Another benefit of GoCentral is that it contains all the components needed to connect you with people that will care about what you have to offer. From built-in email marketing and SEO tools; to the ability to launch a Facebook page with the info from your site; to pre-populated, tailored, professional imagery from Getty images, GoCentral has everything you need to start sharing your side hustle with the world.
Over the years, I have had many people ask me about how to build a site and I am so happy to finally have a simple answer! Here are a couple of screenshots from my new site:
If you would like to check it out for yourself, you can have a look right here: foxandarrows.co. And of course, if you’re interested in creating your own site, go ahead and check out the new GoDaddy GoCentral website building experience. Happy creating, friends!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.