homeschooling // toddler preschool
A few weeks back, I took a bunch of the littles’ clothing to the consignment store to sell. While I was waiting for our clothes to be sorted, I walked around & discovered that the store also sells gently used childrens’ books. What a dream! I picked up two new books to add to our collection. Please Bring Balloons & Who’s on the Farm?
. I just love the bright colors & adorable illustrations in both of them. Roman particularly loves the farm book because it’s a “lift-the-flap” book, and he adores lifting those little flaps.
We’ve also been spending some time working on the alphabet & counting recently. I picked up two beautiful sets of flashcards (ABC’s & Numbers) in the dollar section of Target last week! What a score. They’ve got a bunch of great stuff out at the moment as part of the back-to-school promotions. I also picked up a few packs of stickers, construction paper, and kid-safe scissors.
I’m not really sure who loves this whole homeschooling thing more — Roman or me? I guess I missed my teaching days more than I thought. There is just something so exciting about the end of summer & the approach of autumn. Even though I’ve been finished with schooling for awhile & my babies are a way off from anything formal, I still love all of the promise that a new “school year” brings.
If you have any recommendations for must-have toddlers books, I’d love to hear them in the comments.
Comments (1)
August 12, 2015 at 1:18 am
Oh I love this, Dena – how sweet!!! I have so many good memories of homeschooling Roman in preschool and we are keeping Ash home this year as well so I’m starting to think about activities to do with him. What sweet and special times of having these little ones around!