Housekeeping: email & rss feed updates
Hello, friends! A few housekeeping notes…
- My old email and RSS feeds for will be deleted soon.
- If you received this post by email, please check the subject line. If it says — evolution you — in the subject line, then you are subscribed to my old email feed. To subscribe to the new feed, click here, and fill out the forms as directed. You should begin receiving my posts via email in the same way that you have before, but the subject line will now be — Live, Love, Simple.
- If you are reading this post in a feed reader, like Bloglovin’ or Feedly, please make sure you are subscribed to the Live, Love, Simple feed. Bloglovin’ users, click here. Feedly users, click here. All other feed reader users, click here.
- If you have any questions, please let me know!
And while I’ve got your attention let’s make sure we’re connected everywhere else, too? Here are links to my social media accounts:
Please add me if we’re not connected yet, so that I may add you back!
Thanks friends! Happy Friday & have a beautiful weekend. xo
P.S. Seriously, how cute is Roman when he’s asleep? I caaaaaaaan’t!!
Comments (2)
February 19, 2014 at 6:09 pm
Aww, I am so drawn to you because our boys are only a couple weeks apart I think. We have our 9 month appt on March 5th! And they both have the most gorgeous blue eyes and cutest smiles, and…I could go on and on. Anyhow, followed you on IG. 🙂
February 20, 2014 at 10:41 am
You are so sweet, Cynthia! Thank you for your kind words. <3 Your little guy is flipping adorable. I'm going to go sift through all of your photos of him now.