a picnic by the lake & a preschool decision
Over the weekend, we went to a picnic hosted at a local summer camp. Outings are tricky these days, what with a toddler & tantrums & an ever-unsettled little baby girl. Still, we soaked up the day, enjoying the little bits of summer that are left. Sunshine skies, burgers & dogs, beer, corn-on-the-cob, family. I’ll take it.
On a separate-but-related note, the picnic was hosted by a local men’s group that my father belongs to. There were many other families there, some with babies & toddlers, too. Roman had a rather unpleasant incident that involved him taking another little boy’s toy & then having an epic meltdown upon having to return it. Actually, he didn’t return it. We took it away from him & let’s just say it did not go over well!
Anyway, all of this sort of cemented something for us that we’ve been thinking a lot about — we want to enroll Roman in preschool, two days a week for a few hours each day. It was a difficult decision to arrive at. Ya’ll know how much I love homeschooling him. On top of that, I’m pretty much the biggest control freak ever and the thought of completely relinquishing control and handing him over to someone else is terrifying to me. I’ve never left him with anyone beside my mom, mom-in-law, and my very trusted aunt — and even then it’s only been a handful of times and mostly because it was absolutely necessary.
Still, with all of that being said, it’s clear to us that while Roman is doing exceptionally well “academically” (does that even make sense for a two-year-old?), he’s a little behind socially. He loves other kids but he’s terrible at sharing and frankly he’s so independent that in social settings he kind of takes toys to the side and does his own thing. It may be that he just prefers solitude — both M. and I are incredibly solitary people — and that’s totally fine, but the not sharing thing has got to change. Moreover, we want to give him the opportunity to be social.
We’ve been spacing out Roman’s vaccines so he’s a little behind on the state requirements. We’ll have to get him caught up which should happen by early autumn, so it will likely be another month or so before he gets started. In the meantime, we’re setting up tours, we’re talking about school & building excitement around the idea for him. Even if, in my own heart, I’m sick with worry and uncertainty.
Enrolling him in preschool doesn’t mean that I’m going to stop homeschooling him or that we’ve decided against homeschooling him come time for kindergarten. We haven’t made that decision yet. It’s just something that we feel is important for where he’s at right now, developmentally. With me being a stay-at-home mom and with the limited amount of exposure that Roman has had to other children (most definitely due to my own solitary nature) we feel like this is the right step for him & for our family at this point. It’s nerve-wracking but it’s also exciting and I can’t wait to see my baby boy blossom even more.
Here’s hoping that you had a beautiful weekend & that a great week is on the horizon. xo
Comments (2)
Momista Beginnings
August 17, 2015 at 3:19 pm
Oh my word, in that last photo Roman’s legs look like tree trunks! In the best way. He just looks so solid and grown up and strong. And I totally know just what you’re feeling. I made that decision with Mia when she was 2. She began attending her preschool during their summer program when she was 2 and 3 months old. She CRIED and screamed every time I left her there for a few weeks. It was so hard to leave her, but I was told the crying didn’t last too long after I left. And now, she LOVES her school and all of her friends. We didn’t have many friends her age that she was socializing with prior to school, either. I’ve seen a HUGE difference in her confidence level around other kids and she’s grasped a better understanding of sharing and respecting others’ space and using manners. I also LOVE all of the artwork she brings home and catching her singing songs and using phrases that I’ve never taught her. I wish you guys luck in finding a place that brings you comfort, that’s really important. No place will be perfect…Like, I hate that when I pick up Mia she sometimes has dirt on her face. Is it that hard for the teachers/helpers to do a quick face wipe down before pick-up time? And it bugs me when she has paint on her clothes after art. I provided my own art apron for her to wear to avoid this, but I don’t think they remember to use it each time. They should all be wearing aprons in my opinion, but this is nit-picky stuff I think. I’m not going to make a big deal about it. Oh, last thing. Their snack time consists of only eating cereal, goldfish crackers, graham crackers or saltine crackers. And juice. Nothing healthy! But I do a really great job of feeding her healthy food at home. Her “best friend” goes to the school AND it’s literally a mile from my house which is what makes me want to keep her there for at least another school year. Looking forward to reading about how Roman does once he’s attending! -Misty
August 18, 2015 at 3:30 pm
We are in such similar boats with preschool and homeschooling. I am having the hardest time continuing to fight all the judgmental comments I get about not sending Lyla. I thought having her go to gymnastics twice a week would help with the social aspect and it DOES a lot but… it’s not entirely. And I feel like preschool is the perfect time to just give them that little boost I guess? Twice a week, two hours a day can’t hurt right? Except it totally can. I’m terrified Lyla will come home constantly sick, get beat up by other kids (biting, smacking, etc.), or even worse… pick up their bad behaviors. I hear such horror stories. But giving it a try can’t hurt right? I’m thinking of starting in the fall… meaning the end of September. Bahhh I’m happy I’m not the only one that cares about these things so deeply! Good luck! And your photos are BEAUTIFUL!!