I decided to start my garden from seed this year, and further, to start the seeds inside. Three or four years ago, we started our garden from seed but we put them directly in the ground. We ended up having a nice garden that year, though somewhat limited. This year, I want my garden to be expansive and varied. In addition to vegetables, I am growing flowers & herbs for the first time. (See the full list of my garden inhabitants here.) It’s a safer bet to start seeds indoors around here because the weather is so erratic. Just a couple of days ago, the temperature was in the high seventies and then last night we got a good dusting of snow. There’s no climactic stability here until mid-to-late May which is rather late to put seeds in the ground.
Anyway, I am enjoying having my little seedlings in the house tremendously. As silly as it may sound, they bring me so much joy. When I saw the first little sprouts popping through the soil, I was overwhelmed with excitement. I’ve heard nightmare stories about gardeners planting from seed. I’ve been told more than once to just buy established plants and put them right into the garden when the weather is right. But I’m having too much fun with this experiment.
I am breaking all of the rules in the planting seeds book, but that’s alright. My seeds are loved. No, really, I tell them that I love them & that they are good, little seeds/seedlings a couple of times each day. Did you ever hear of Dr. Masaru Emoto’s book, Messages from Water. He claims that water molecules literally transform depending on the words and energy that are spoken to them. Do I believe this hocus pocus? Perhaps. Either way, I love my seeds and if they bear healthy food for my family, I will love them all the more.
That said, it’s getting harder to keep them safe from the hands of my wild toddler. He actually picked one of my little pots up yesterday and came THIS CLOSE to dumping it. It was the first time that I ever raised my voice at him. He’d had numerous warnings but decided to go for it anyway. I’ve no intention to be a “yeller,” but he has to learn what no means. Sometimes speaking gently and diverting his attention just doesn’t cut it.
(Aren’t those little seedlings just the cutest?)
Comments (12)
April 16, 2014 at 10:20 pm
Ohhhh look at those cute little seedlings! I never even thought about just growing some herbs inside. We are in Jersey too so the weather is all over the place and I’m concerned about my plants either frying once it’s hot or freezing to death in the middle of April like I am. So awesome you guys are growing so much!
April 22, 2014 at 2:10 pm
Thanks, I can’t wait to see how everything turns out. It’s so exciting. 🙂 Hopefully we gets lots of sunshine this year.
Momista Beginnings
April 16, 2014 at 11:45 pm
I seriously LOVE this. We (ha, Dominic) is in the midst of prepping the garden for our new crops. In theory, I love to garden. But…I don’t do any of it. I just don’t have the time right now…I’ve got a thousand other things to do instead. One day, though. I’d love to be able to call myself a gardener. Anyways, I hope your seeds blossom beautifully. And not a yeller? OH MAN! Roman must not be as wild as Mia. I really do try not to yell but this kid. THIS KID. She’s a mischief maker and a rule breaker. We were doing time-out on the reg until lately, she tells me OKAY MAMA as soon as I threaten her with it…meaning, okay I’ll stop. She tests me though, that’s for sure. Good for you on keeping your composure. I’m impressed.
April 22, 2014 at 2:11 pm
Awww, it’s a good thing your little mischief maker is so darned cute. 😉 We are going to use timeout when the time comes. For now a raised voice seems to be the only thing that works after multiple warnings.
April 17, 2014 at 10:14 am
Love….cheers to your little seedlings I hope they grow up to be strong and plentiful.
April 22, 2014 at 2:13 pm
Thanks, love!
Crista at Hands and Hearts More Than Full
April 17, 2014 at 2:01 pm
Those are some pretty adorable seedlings! We, too, started ours indoors thanks to erratic weather and they seem to be doign really well (so far). I’m hesitant to turn them over to the outdoors + all the vulture-like animals that live near us because it’s like they’re our little babies. What you’re talking about with speaking to the plants is definitely beneficial! Just like we benefit from the oxygen given off by trees, plants benefit from the CO2 given off in our breath. Sometimes I talk to mine, but mostly I get close and give a good throaty huff in their direction 🙂 So fun! I can’t wait to see what comes for both of us 🙂 xo
April 22, 2014 at 2:13 pm
I am going to be so nervous when we put our outside, too. And thanks for telling me this, now you can catch me throatily huffing at my plants once each day, too. 😉
April 18, 2014 at 1:51 pm
I love to talk to my plants and garden. I’ll compliment them on how they are growing and say thank you when I pick something from them: )
I hope to go to our local nursery tomorrow and buy our veggies and plants for the garden. They have an awesome heirloom tomato selection. Rob built us an amazing raised garden and I just can’t wait to start planting!
April 21, 2014 at 2:39 pm
My boyfriend and MIL (his Mom) have been getting our garden going the past few weekend, while the boy and I watch from a sheet on the grass. Excited to see what we can eat from it later on! We have cucumber, squash, peas, strawberries, peppers, basil, and tons of tomatoes. 🙂
April 21, 2014 at 2:40 pm
P.S. Do you know how I get an avatar on your commenting system? I can’t figure it out. Maybe I’d have to be on your platform? 🙁
April 22, 2014 at 2:14 pm
Yes, you can sign up over at, add your profile and pic, and then it will show up next to your comments. 🙂