Every Friday, I post my favourite links, posts, & resources from around the Web. Expect to learn, grow, & be inspired. – – – – – – – – – 1. Secret Secret Garden Party: My friend Julie has an amazing baking blog. She shares the most delicious recipes & the most gorgeous photographs. I highly recommend checking her out. I loved this post wherein she planned a top secret…
gulf oil spill
Carousel — 06.18.10
Every Friday, I post my favourite links, posts, & resources from around the Web. Expect to learn, grow, & be inspired. – – – – – – – – – 1. TRANSITIONS & FEAR AND PERMISSION: Two must-read post’s about dealing with change & overcoming…
The Gulf Oil Spill
How is it possible that humans killed in excess of one hundred million fellow humans in the twentieth century alone? Humans inflicting pain of such magnitude on one another is beyond anything you can imagine and that’s not taking into account the mental, emotional, and…