Sussex County Farm & Horse Show

  • county fair //

    A Hot Day at the Fair

    Dena August 6, 2018

    Yesterday we made our annual family trip to the county fair. Now I’ve been going to this particular fair for as long as I can remember, and being that it’s in August, it is always hot. However, yesterday took things to a whole other level. For the first time that I can recall, every single person that we passed was visibly sweating through their clothing. Heaven help me, it was…

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  • Trading Cash for Experience: New Jersey State Fair

    Dena August 11, 2010

    Preface: I’m not a fan of money, spending money, or obtaining material possessions. In my life, I practice minimalism whenever possible. My opinions about money & possessions are largely shaped by my financial history. Despite the facts that I am frugal & that money is…

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