“I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, ‘Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.’”
Over the weekend, we had our first snowfall of the season. Late in the morning, the snow began to fall and it just kept falling and falling until well after dark. Once the soft white blanket had covered enough of the yard, we ventured outside. It was Sam’s first snow and he was ecstatic with excitement. Roman & Marina were happy to run around catching snowflakes on their tongues. As for me, my heart was more than full, taking in the magic of it all.
I’ve never been much a fan of winter, but as the years pass, I become aware of how important it is–of how much beauty there is within the season of darkness. Winter is about hibernation, slowing down, and taking stock. It’s a time for gratitude and contemplation. On Sunday, after the storm had passed, I went outside with my camera to capture some of the beautiful, white stillness as the morning sun rose covering the earth with light.
Winter solstice has not yet arrived. For the next couple of weeks, the days will get even shorter, darker, and colder as the solstice approaches. More than ever, it is a time for us to turn our thoughts inward, count our blessings, and set our intentions for the coming year.
Over the weekend I started using my wood burning stove. A very generous neighbor has been sharing split and seasoned wood with me for months now, creating a nice stock pile to get me through the coming coldest days of the year. A few nights ago he came over to show me how to properly use my stove. The next day I set about making my first fire. The building process took time, carefully placing logs, igniting tinder, gently blowing the small sparks into a bigger flame. Eventually, after much patience and trying, the stove fills with light, flames, and heat. The process of building the fire was a pure meditation. I felt less anxious than I have in months. The work of building warmth took all of my mental energy, so that there was no room in my mind for the anxious thoughts that usually plague me.
If there is anything that these last few years have taught me, it is that there is so much beauty to be found in darkness. It takes stillness, faith, and grace to get it; but it’s always there, even in the dead of winter.
Have a beautiful week, friends. xo