Carousel — 03.05.10
Oh, why hello my gorgeous readers! It is so wonderful to see you here on this beautiful Friday afternoon (or whatever day/time it is where you are). This week came in like a lion and is heading out like a lamb… typical March weather in the North Eastern US. Last week we received over three feet of fluffy white stuff (snow!). Currently the temperature is on the rise and it’s beginning to melt. Is this a sign that Spring is on its way? I sure hope so!
And now on to this week’s charming Carousel. I do hope you enjoy…
1. Quick easy tips for travel health and Living in the now: Two awesome posts from Vagablogging this week. One contains common sense tips to keep you healthy while on the road and the other talks about the importance of fleeting moments in time. Lovely.
2. This is So Inappropriate!: “Your choices always carry tremendous weight, even when you feel like you have no choice in the matter. We don’t need enormous reserves of skill or advantage to make big differences to what happens to us — and to the manner in which we ‘happen’ to the world.”
3. The Sure Fire Way to Sabotage Any Relationship: In this post, Jared explains why trying to “get back to the way things were” is like signing your relationship’s death certificate. Do you agree?
4. 5 Travel Lessons You Can Use at Home: This post is far & away, one of the best that I’ve read on the topic. Can you take travel lessons and apply them to your life? Can you use these lessons to live the life of your dreams 100% of the time? Yes, you can! This post will tell you how.
5. Avatar’s Impact: How To Train Like A Na’vi: Have you seen Avatar yet? I saw it once in 2D and then again in 3D—yes, it was that good! I love Amber’s take on the movie in this excellent post. “While the special effects and imagination behind the film are awe inspiring enough, what excited me the most was the vital ecological message that’s reaching millions. The fact that people from around the globe are beginning to see the significance of our connection to all organisms is incredible.” Yes, yes, yes! Exactly. She’s hit the nail on the head.
6. What Are Values?: Many people pay Tim Brownson good money to help them define values; but in this post, he’ll show you how to do it for free! I absolutely love (& agree with) the way that he introduces the post: “So what I’m really saying is this is some heavy personal development shit that needs your total concentration and commitment if you’re going to get the most out of it. And make no mistake, it’s the single most powerful thing you can do if you genuinely want to understand yourself.”
7. how to: focus in batches: “Limited resources force you to focus on your creativity.”
8. Coping with Major Life Changes: Excellent tips to help get you through some of life’s most challenging moments.
9. The War Over Wolves: One topic that I haven’t written too much about yet is wildlife & environmental conservation. It is one of the things that I am most passionate about. This post from the National Geographic Blog broke my heart a bit. Despite my inclination to preserve as many creatures as humanly possible, there are always two sides to every story. I’ll be making some posts on this topic in the near future.
10. Olympians’ daily food choices as important as their rigorous training: Want to learn to eat like an Olympian? Is the food that you put in your body really that important? After reading this, I say YES!
That is it for this week’s round up. I loved all of these great posts and I hope that you will, too. Perhaps just the burst of inspiration you were needing to get your weekend off to a great start?
Have a lovely weekend. Spread love & light!
Comments (6)
March 5, 2010 at 3:04 pm
Hey Dena, great idea with the carousel. Thanks for the listing here today!
March 5, 2010 at 3:15 pm
Thanks, Jared! Glad you like it. I enjoy so many of your posts — can’t help but share. Have a great weekend.
March 5, 2010 at 3:47 pm
As always, thanks for sharing the insightful list Dena. I’m going to read the Avatar post now.
March 7, 2010 at 11:09 am
You are so welcome, Ryan! I am glad that you enjoyed it. You will love Amber’s blog. She is a gem. Happy Sunday, buddy.
Tim Brownson
March 6, 2010 at 11:27 am
Thanks a lot for including me Dena, I really appreciate it.
March 7, 2010 at 11:10 am
Tim, it’s my pleasure. You are a diamond in the rough. Or perhaps a rough diamond in the rough. 😉 Hope you’ve been making out well with your in-laws. Happy Sunday, my friend!