Day 29: A Confession
My Confession: I am breaking a promise to write this post.
I had promised myself and my husband that I would not work today. And by work I mean blogging/photography work. Housewife work is okay, of course, if I stopped cooking, cleaning, caring for baby — you know, the whole world would implode.
I’ve been writing about balance a lot lately — particularly my own lack of balance. As I’ve mentioned, this blog is growing, as is my photography business. They’re growing because I’ve been putting so much time and energy into them. I didn’t realize it until M. pointed it out a few weeks ago, but I have been working 12+ hour days for awhile now. Of course a lot of my day consists of mommy/wife duties, but every spare moment goes into my other work. When you love something as much as I love my blog & my photography, it’s easy to lose yourself in it. You sit down to work on a post or to edit a few photographs and the next thing you know, three hours have gone by and that precious time when baby is asleep and you should be asleep, too, is gone.
- M. says he feels ignored.
- I’m not getting enough sleep.
- Housework falls to the wayside.
- And so on and so forth.
I had planned to take today off entirely. I wanted to get my Day 29 challenge post written last night and just stay away. Clearly that didn’t happen and here I am. Do I honor my commitment to my blog? Do I honor my commitment to myself & my family? I know that it’s possible to do both. I have got to put a schedule together. That will be my Christmas present to myself this year: TIME MANAGEMENT. As my mother always used to tell me, I can’t keep burning the candle at both ends.
It will all work out, but for now, this is my confession. I’m an exhausted promise-breaker. *Sniffle, sniffle.*
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If you are participating in my blogging challenge, please leave a link below in the comments so that we can all check it out. You can click here to read all of the posts in this series. xo
Comments (5)
November 29, 2013 at 9:07 pm
I know how you feel! Except I’m not making any money so it’s all hobby for me. Sometimes it’s the only way I can get “down time” though, y’know? I’ve found getting an iphone has cut waayyyyyyy back on internet time for me and makes it way easier to quickly check in and then go back to my kids or whatever instead of getting sucked into the interwebs while sitting in my cozy chair for hours on end. <3
November 29, 2013 at 9:08 pm
Oh yeah!
Almost forgot – this one is quite personal. Maybe I’m hoping my ex will read it?! A woman scored…? Oh dear!
November 30, 2013 at 11:44 am
I had faced the exact same situation with Jian & Kamal… I always give him some foot massage or body massage with aromatherapy & he feels so special & keeps quite for a week!! It’s like a BRIBE!!!
December 1, 2013 at 8:34 am
Bad with money, just terrible with it. Place too much emphasis on it, stress about it, etc. Being consumed by it all, only feeds it and makes it worse. Ugh!
December 2, 2013 at 3:41 pm
I am struggling with balance too. I haven’t felt this stressed and tired in so long. I keep telling myself that this is only temporary and I’ll figure it out eventually. Even Rob said it’s ok to let the house get dirty, to feel tired or even to leave him and Sam for a bit while I run..but of course, it doesn’t fee ok.