A Sweet & Easy DIY Gift Idea
If you’re looking for a last-minute DIY gift, here is a sweet & easy idea. Make a little Christmas Feet Treat! It’s fun, easy & you’ve probably already got most of the makings in your house. Here’s what you’ll need & how to put it together.
Cozy socks
Large mason jar
Miniature lotion & bath gel
A loofah
(Other ideas: nail polish, nail scissors, etc.)
Craft tag
Sharpie marker
Step 2: Insert lotion, bath gel & loofah into your jar. Wrap socks around the jar. Wrap ribbon tightly around socks & tie it into a bow.
Step 3: Gather your string, Sharpie & a hole punch (optional).
Step 4: Decorate craft tag with words & add a few festive hole punches.
Top it off with a bow, et voila! You’ve got yourself a sweet & simple gift. If you’re in a really creative mood, check out my DIY Coconut Citrus Body Scrub Gift tutorial, too!
Happy gift-giving, friends! xo