All of the Cozy // Fall Diffuser Blend
Hey friends! Here in our little corner of the world, the temperatures plummeted overnight. One day it was summer hot, and the next day the chill of autumn came in and hoodie weather was upon us. Everyone knows that this is my absolute favorite time of the year. My heart is bursting at the seams right now as I immerse myself in the glory of my favorite season. Warm socks, hot drinks, bonfires outdoors, hiking, leaves changing and falling, Halloween party planning… I am loving every single moment of it all.
One of the best parts about this magical time of year are the scents of the season. If you follow me on social media, then you may have noticed that I’ve been using my essential oils for everything lately. I have a few fall favorite diffuser blends that make the entire house smell absolutely delicious without the need for harsh chemicals that are found in most candles, wall plugins, and aerosol sprays.
Today I want to share my favorite fall diffuser blend with you, I call it Autumn Harvest.
Autumn Harvest Diffuser Blend
✴ 5 drops clove
✴ 4 drops cinnamon
✴ 3 drops orange
✴ 2 drops nutmeg
Diffuse this gorgeous little blend and I promise that you’ll be feeling all of the cozy vibes. If you want to learn more about essential oils, check out this page or join me in my oil family Facebook page.
Have a beautiful day, sweet friends! It’s perfect outside right now and I’ve got some autumn-themed porch decorating to do. xo