Friday Carousel — 01.01.10
Happy New Year! Welcome to the first Friday Carousel of 2010. The start of a new year is so exciting, isn’t it? Everything is fresh & full of opportunity. Each of us has the chance, once again, to make this year the best year of our lives to date.
This week’s Carousel contains lots of great posts, ideas, and sites to empower you to get your 2010 off to a fantastic start. Ready? Let’s go!
“One imperfect action is better than no action at all.” —Unknown
1. This website is a simple text processor that allows you to clear your mind and focus on what you sit down to write. It helps to minimize distractions and therefore helps you to be more productive.
2. 11 Ways to Gain Clarity: In this post, Steve Pavlina teaches us how to use clarity and focus to decide what we want, and then pursue it with passion and energy.
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Find out what makes you come alive and go do that.” —Howard Thurman
3. Inventory of Normality: Another amazing post from Paulo Coelho. In this post Paulo talks about all of the ways that people assimilate into modern society, lose their personal, identities, and eventually stop living consciously. I was pretty amazed when I found myself guilty of some of these behaviors. It is an awesome wake-up call and a great way to start off 2010 with eyes wide open.
4. On Dying, Mothers, and Fighting for Your Ideas: This post was, hands down, one of the most inspirational things that I read in 2009. Jonathan Morrow was born with a debilitating disease. His doctors told his mother that he would not live past the age of two. This post is about how his mother fought for him and how he then fought for himself. Truly inspirational and moving.
5. 11 Questions That Lead to Gratitude: This is a great post from Good Life Zen that helps is to look back over 2009 and count the many blessings, lessons, accomplishments, and even failures that will propel us into a successful new year.
6. How I Stay Thin Despite my Neurotic Aversion to Intentional Exercise, and Obsessive Love of Desserts: Weight loss is one of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions out there. If it is on your list then I encourage you to check out this post. Lots of good ideas and common sense practices to move toward a healthier you.
“Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.” —Henry David Thoreau
7. 6 Questions That Can Help You to Make 2010 a Simpler and Lighter Year: This post teaches us how to find the opportunity in every situation and how to make our lives, simpler — two great ways to start off 2010.
Comments (2)
January 6, 2010 at 10:31 pm
Really excited to give these all a read — thanks Dena!
January 13, 2010 at 8:14 pm
@Leeann – Thanks! Hope you enjoyed the links. xo