Friday Carousel — 01.29.10
Bonjour, darlings! I am so happy that you’ve made it to check out this week’s Friday Carousel. Can you believe that January is almost over already? We are 1/12th of the way through 2010!
Here is some inspiration & motivation to get your weekend off to a great start. Enjoy.
1. 50 Ways To Put The Light Back In Your Heart: Winter blues got you down? This list is full of inspiration to put a smile back on your face.
“We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same.” —Carlos Castaneda
2. 5 Creative Ways to Upsize Your Life by Downsizing: I absolutely loved this post, so much so that I’ve been planning a similar post for awhile now. More minimalism excellence. Expect to see my version soon.
3. Back Your Passion and Achieve Success!: Excellent advice for anyone who is trying to make a career move or decision.
4. Too Much Credit: A Stunning Graphic on Personal Loans & Credit Cards: The title of this post says it all! These are some really amazing (unfortunate) stats about credit in the US.
5. Clean Water for Ethiopia: Chris Guillebeau wants to raise a minimum of $500,000 for water wells in Ethiopia over the next 18 months. What an awesome goal!
6. Why I Parted Ways With My Best Friend of 10 Years: This post hit close to home for me. A couple of years ago I ended a best friendship after 15 years. It was hard, but as you’ll read, sometimes it is the right thing to do.
7. Forget About World Peace: A more realistic approach to spreading peace throughout the world.
“Love is the beginning of the journey, its end, and the journey itself.” —Deepak Chopra
8. 5 Places To Visit This Decade: Planning to do some traveling this decade? Have a look at this article from Huffington Post, it’s full of gorgeous pictures & spectacular travel ideas.
9. Common Thinking Traps – Correlation and Causation: This post shines some light on why we should not make assumptions. Just because A happened does not mean that B will inevitably happen and so forth. Interesting perspective and food for thought.
10. Make Your Company Pay for Volunteering: I actually stumbled upon this article while doing some personal research for the company that I work for. I’ve long thought that companies can benefit from allowing & encouraging their employees to volunteer. This article talks in some more detail about why it’s such a great idea.
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” –Plato
Enjoy the Wolf Moon tonight. I hope to meet some of you in the woods a-howling. ♥