Golden Hour // June
This afternoon I was out walking with my babies and my nephew. There was a constant soft warm breeze. Suddenly we walked into a cloud of dandelion fuzz. It was everywhere, a cloud of soft white puffs, floating through the air. My nephew looked at me and asked in all seriousness, “Is it snowing?”
My heart was full of such joy in that moment and the song “Hey Jude” came into my mind. I started singing it but I made up my own version — Hey June, don’t be afraid, you take a sad song and make it better. Oh, June, I love you so!
I took these photographs late yesterday afternoon. Golden hour is such a bittersweet time at this stage in our lives. There is so much magic in the golden light of a late spring day. Yet, my babies are usually cranky and tired for it. They both stopped napping a long time ago. Even though they both still need naps, as evidenced by the fact that they fall asleep in the car all the time… And yet, I don’t have the heart to fight them for it anymore. Besides, an early bedtime is always welcomed by this sleepy mama.
I just adore these pictures, just like I adore this time of year. I hope you love them too, friends. We were backyard chillin’ and then we walked over to Gammy’s (my mother) who surprised my littles with chocolate chip mint ice cream cones. It just doesn’t get much better than that. Goodness and light abound.
Lots of love to you, friends, now and always. Have the most beautiful weekend.
Comments (1)
June 12, 2017 at 10:57 pm
I have also been admiring the dreaminess of June. I usually walk during the golden hour with the boys and sometimes my heart can hardly handle how beautiful they look walking in the golden dandelion fluff sunset. <3 These pictures capture summertime beautifully!