Home: Living Room in Summer
“Like the way the valleys
of the earth cup their
hands for light and drink,
like the way the desert
opens up its sweet mouth
and laughs”
How are you, my dear friends? Today is the 20th of July. It’s morning and I am sitting at my kitchen table finishing up a little bit of work before I hit the ground running for another busy, busy day. I am already tired and it’s not even close to noon. I’ve been pushing myself too hard for too long and sometimes it catches up to me. I want to change. I want to be better at slowing down and making wiser decisions about sleep and other things. But summer is so beautiful and it’s so fleeting and so I keep pushing myself harder. My goal for August is to strike a better balance.
I am so grateful that I have checked so many things off of my summer bucket list already. Swimming in the pool, swimming at the lake, a night at the carnival, fireworks in the mountains, camping overnight in a tent. Soon we’ll check off a few more — picking wildfflowers, roasting marshmallows, trips to the seashore, the county fair, and the Renaissance festival.
My hydrangea bushes have been taking my breath away for a month now at least. Most of the flowers in my yard, while beautiful, come and go so quickly. It feels like I wait all year for them and then they bloom & fall in such a short time. I suppose that is was makes it all so special, that fleetingness, that reminder that we have to cherish it so much while we have it because nothing is permanent.
To live in this world you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go. –Mary Oliver
But the hydrangeas are the gift that keep on giving. They last and last and last. Sometimes I go outside and clip a few lovely branches and bring them into the house so I can appreciate them all the more. I hope that you enjoy these photographs. Nothing special but just a little peek at a few of the things that make my heart flutter.
Lots of love always. All of this and so much more–