My Little Artists: thoughts on motherhood & creativity
One of my greatest joys as a mother is watching my children create. For me, the passing of time in motherhood has taken on a deeper meaning than anything I ever could have imagined. I witness the transformation of my children with awe. Through each stage of growth, their development is incredible, nothing short of pure magic. Their little minds expand at a rapid pace. There are so many areas where I see development. Physically they change, they become stronger, establish balance. Wobbly first steps turn into long, running legs. Emotionally they change. They become more independent, they learn to make decisions.
Perhaps my favorite area of development is their creative development. From telling stories, to drawing, to painting, to building — I love watching what they create. As they grow, their creative endeavors become more intricate and extraordinary. I believe that allowing my children the creative freedom to express themselves through art is one of my most important responsibilities as a mother. Whether it is paint & paper, or sticks and mud — it is all wonderful. Witnessing the art that is forged from their beautiful little hands feels like a miracle to me with each finished “project.”
These are just a few snaps from a rainy Saturday morning spent creating in the kitchen. I’ve linked to a few of our favorite art supplies below.
I hope that you enjoyed this post, friends. Happy Monday to you and here’s hoping for a beautiful week ahead. xo