A Lamb & A King // Living Nativity 2016
Hello, friends! I hope that this post finds you well, wrapped up warm & happy in the magic of the Christmas season.
This is the first year that Roman really “gets it.” That makes the wonder of the season all the brighter for me. Gratefully, consumerism hasn’t taken hold of him. He understands that he will be receiving Christmas presents, but that is not the focus of his attention. Mostly, he is thrilled by the Christmas decorations on the homes that we pass, catching glimpses of Santa, carols on the radio, and hearing stories of how magic reindeer can fly.
He’s also taken the sweetest interest in the story of baby Jesus (or “baby Jeeza” as he calls him), and the little family gathered there in the manger. I am so grateful that our church family has taken such care to teach the children of our congregation all about that story and the true meaning of Christmas.
Last week, we had a “Living Nativity” at church. Marina was a lamb and Roman was one of the Three Kings. It was a lot of fun and a memory that I will cherish deep in my heart forever. I couldn’t beliebe how well Marina “performed.” Roman did quite well too, all up until he had to give a present to the baby Jesus. It seemed that Mr. Roman was quite attached to that present himself and things got a little hairy after that. Hello, three-years-old, you’re so sweet & sour.
After the performance, we enjoyed fresh bakes goodies in the fellowship hall, surrounded by friends. It doesn’t get much better. ♥