Hello, sweet friends! Happy Spring! It’s been quiet around here, even more so than usual. After having a tremendous December and January, life got a bit sticky again in February and March. I can chalk it up to a lot of things, but mostly just life with 18-month-old twins, 3 elementary-aged children, a high-schooler, and a husband in end-stage renal failure. Oh, and I started a new job in February,…
Red, White, Blue & Sweet: Happy Independence Day!
Happy 4th of July, friends! On this day, we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. That Declaration proclaimed to the world our emergence as a new sovereign nation, as we state in the pledge to our flag, “under God, with liberty…
Memorial Day Weekend // 2017
Hello, friends! I hope that your week is off to a great start. Did you do anything special for the holiday weekend? We just returned home yesterday from a long weekend of family camping for Memorial Day. I’ll have a couple of full posts all…
A Blustery Day & Our Diaper Bag Essentials
This morning, we took a long walk and stopped at the park just like we do almost every day. It was so windy. According to the forecast, we have a summer-like warm front coming in and the winds must be blowing it this way. I’m…
A Lamb & A King // Living Nativity 2016
Hello, friends! I hope that this post finds you well, wrapped up warm & happy in the magic of the Christmas season. This is the first year that Roman really “gets it.” That makes the wonder of the season all the brighter for me. Gratefully,…
Halloween 2016 // Dinosaur & Lamb
Halloween is kind of a big deal around here. Errrr… that’s an understatement. Halloween is actually THE. BIGGEST. DEAL. around here. Roman and I start getting amped up about the end of July. This year the kids’ costumes were purchased in August. In October, once…
Apple n Amos: handmade wood toys
I am so excited to partner with Apple n Amos — an Etsy shop that creates handmade Waldorf and Montessori-inspired wood toys. I’ve been a fan for a long while and when I decided to partner with small businesses & artisans to promote hand-made goods,…