Our Family Loves: Of Intention
Hello, sweet friends! I have been so eager to start sharing the things that our family loves once again. Today, I am finally here to do just that. Each week I will be sharing a new post featuring something that our family truly loves. From companies to products to shops and more, I can’t wait to share all of the things that we are loving with you. I will feature things that I love for myself, for the little ones, for our pets, and even for the house.
I am going to start off by featuring a brand that I have been completely in love with for the last year since the twins were born, Of Intention. I discovered this brand when I connected with its founder, Amanda, on Instagram. When Amanda told me about her mission, I immediately fell in love with it. She sent me a package full of the most gorgeous, curated selections from her shop for me and the twins and I became an instant fan.
The first products that I tried for myself, are the two products in the pictures above: the Coconut Cream Hydrating Scrub and the Tropical Vacation Organic Bar Soap. Now if you’ve been following me for awhile, you know that I have super dry skin and these products have been truly miraculous for me. Not only do they smell divine, but they are so deeply hydrating for my skin. The hydrating scrub is an all natural coconut cream sugar whip. It’s an all-in-one exfoliate and moisturizer that you apply in the shower. When I rinse it off I am left with the most delicious scent and soft skin. It’s made from a blend of organic shea butter, coconut oil, coconut, raw sugar, vitamin e oil, epsom salt and vanilla. Basically all of the things that I love most in this world! If you have dry skin, you must try it.
The bar soap honestly smells like the most magical tropical vacation you can imagine. Like the scrub, it leaves my skin smelling amazing and feeling hydrated. It contains a shea soap base, pineapple extract, coconut extract + organic oils; sandalwood, peru balsam, steam distilled lemon and lime. It is natural and made with organic ingredients. These soaps are also wrapped in BPA-free, biodegradable shrink wrap + have recycled cardstock wraps, making them a perfect low-waste choice.
Aside from loving the products, let me tell you why I love the company. Amanda is a mama on her own journey of intention, just like me. She found it tricky to find eco-friendly products that matched her lifestyle and aesthetic, so she was inspired to create a shop that would combine her love for style and support her commitment to protect the environment, reduce waste, and strive for sustainability. She is truly a woman after my own heart in every regard. Her shop will inspire you and provide ideas for you to live your life in style without compromising your respect for our planet and all that live on it. Amanda’s “why” is her children (two little boys!). Her hope is that her shop will inspire you to live a life of intention.
Of Intention is a Massachusetts-based intentional and sustainable-living boutique and lifestyle brand. A curated list of eco-friendly and fair-trade products with a flair of minimalist design and inspiration that will make your intentional shopping decisions easy. Of Intention’s mission is to help connect you to beautiful, lower impact items. Everyday we are overwhelmed with single use plastics, poisonous chemicals, and unethically sourced household items. A lot of these items are difficult to avoid and eliminating impact completely is near impossible. Luckily there are many creative entrepreneurs, manufacturers, artists and designers out there that share this mission. There are new solutions popping up every day and Of Intention can’t wait to find them and make them available to you.
I truly love all of the products that we have tried from this shop so far. And my other favorite thing about Of Intention is that for each product purchased, one tree is planted for our planet–with over 730 trees planted so far!
Amanda also sent me over the most precious things for the twins and I will be sharing that stuff in a future post. For today, I invite you to go check out the shop. I promise that you will find something that you love. Also, Amanda has been so sweet to offer a 20% off discount to my community with coupon code: denajoan20. Please go check out her shop and show some love to a truly special and good small business. You can also connect with Amanda on Instagram right here, she is truly a gem.
Thank you for reading and thank you for helping me to support the businesses that I truly love!