Note from Dena… Hi, friends! Today’s guest post is on a topic that I am so excited to begin to explore, bread making. I have been wanting to learn to make my own bread forever. My favorite bread is sour dough, so when my sweet and talented friend, Jean, offered to bring us a guest post on how to make a sourdough starter, I was over the moon! Enjoy this…
sustainable living
Our Family Loves: Of Intention
Hello, sweet friends! I have been so eager to start sharing the things that our family loves once again. Today, I am finally here to do just that. Each week I will be sharing a new post featuring something that our family truly loves. From…
We ❤️ Pure Planet Club
Hey, sweet friends! How are you doing? I hope that you are keeping safe & well. We’ve had a lovely week over here. The last two days were sunny and warm. We’ve been loving these glorious October days. All of the trees are blazing in…
Marina Grace in the Garden
“The question is not, — how much does the youth know? when he has finished his education — but how much does he care? and about how many orders of things does he care? In fact, how large is the room in which he finds…
Our First Honey Harvest
Last week we took our first harvest of honey. What an adventure it has been, a lifetime in the making. I’ve shared before that J. and I each came into our relationship with a dream of keeping honeybees one day. It was quite a surprise…
summer in our gardens…
Here we are, friends, it’s the middle of July. Summer is here in all of its glory. I snapped these photographs around our yard on the first of the month. So much has already changed out there. We have so many vegetables on the vines…
Honey Bees + Financial Dreams
Thank you Lexington Law Firm for sponsoring this post. A high service partner and consumer advocate that will help you fight for the credit you deserve! Hello, friends! I hope that you are safe and well. Spring has truly sprung here in our little corner…
A Comprehensive Guide for Keeping Backyard Chickens
Hello, friends! Backyard chicken keeping seems to be exploding in popularity lately and I love it. It’s so wonderful to see people connecting to the origins of their food. There are many ways to get connected to our food–from keeping a garden, to sustainable hunting…
Planting Seeds and Finding Hope
Happy Monday, sweet friends. What a strange time we are in. So much has changed in the ten days since I shared my thoughts on the pandemic. At that point, it was just a looming anxiety over what was to come. Now, as we approach…