Oh, New York

DenaApril 3, 2014

I ventured into Manhattan the other day for a business meeting. I had forgotten just how deep my love/hate relationship with that city is. There is no other place like it in the world. A veritable explosion of colour, culture, and life. It takes my breath away. The greatest melting pot in the world. There is beauty to be found, nestled in sweetly among the harshness of the mean, loud streets. It makes my heart pound and my feet move quickly and it wraps me up like a wild, electric blanket. And at the same time, I hate it. That city makes me miss the quiet of my own neighborhood with a sharp fierceness. When we’re out walking at home, everyone says hello. In the city, I can pass 500 people in ninety seconds and not one of them even looks me in the eye. For me, the worst thing about the city is the smell. It’s putrid, and sometimes it smells like every awful thing in the world has just collapsed in on itself and died right there. I can’t leave without a headache.

Still, I am drawn to it. The love/hate dichotomy is strong and I am pulled in like a moth to a flame. It’s only an hour away, but I hadn’t been in since I was eight-months pregnant with Roman. This trip may have been my last one for another long stretch or it may have been the first one of many to come soon. Time will tell.

Oh, New York. How I love/hate you.

Comments (9)

  • Nicole

    April 3, 2014 at 10:16 am

    I LOVE NYC. When Gray and I started dating he was living there. It’s such a rush. But, I always told him I could never live there. Maybe when I was younger, but not at this point. I totally get it mama.

    1. Dena

      April 4, 2014 at 9:52 am

      You get it then! It’s so wonderful in so many ways — but so HARD, too.

  • Suzy

    April 3, 2014 at 12:29 pm

    I’m indifferent to NYC. When we lived in Scarsdale, New York, sure is was fun to go down sometimes, take the train and do something, but it was ALWAYS a big ordeal and we would spend so much money.

    But Rob loves it and constantly talks about how he’s so excited to take Sam to the museums one day. Although, I also can’t wait to go back to the MET, it’s such an amazing museum.

    1. Dena

      April 4, 2014 at 9:53 am

      The museums are one of my favourite things about this city for sure. 🙂 We should go together some day! Let me know next time you guys plan a trip up here!!

      1. Suzy

        April 4, 2014 at 3:31 pm

        Heck ya! That would be fun: )

  • Gillian

    April 3, 2014 at 5:36 pm

    I love these photos. Isn’t it fun to be around different surroundings and take pictures?

    1. Dena

      April 4, 2014 at 9:55 am

      Yes! It is so good to get outside of the box now and then. It opens so much new inspiration for creativity!

  • Crista at Hands and Hearts More Than Full

    April 4, 2014 at 11:37 am

    Job interview? What an exciting and anxious time, especially since having a BABY! You are much braver than you know Dena! xo

  • Julie Arnhold

    April 5, 2014 at 2:35 pm

    I always regret wearing flip flops to the city. As soon as I come home, I have to immediately wash my feet in the tub to scrub off the black filth on them. I have the same love/hate relationship with NYC.

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