Organizing Photos // Rosie & Lacie: Our Holland Lop Bunnies
In the last month, my problem with photo hoarding finally blew up in my face. I ran out of storage space on my iMac which I have been using for professional & personal photography since 2013. I also crossed over to 14,000+ photos on my iPhone. These things wouldn’t be as much of a challenge as they are now, if I had kept up with them over the years, sorted files at least annually, and backed them up to safe places. Instead, I just let things accumulate, and now I have a huge task on my hands.
As much of a headache as it is, truly I am lucky that something didn’t crash before it got to this point, because I easily could have lost everything before I finally got around to backing it up. Now, I am going through the painstaking process of sorting and saving, but I am grateful to at least have the opportunity to do it.
It is a daunting task for sure, but finding old treasures that I forgot to share is one of the highlights. For example, I came across this folder from back in the spring when we first got our bunnies. I took these snaps to share here and I never got around to it. So now, thanks to “The Great Winter File Clean Out of 2018,” I bring to you our sweet bunnies, Rosie & Lacie.
We got these cuties from a local breeder back in June. They are Holland Lop bunnies. When we first got them, they were so tiny and we kept them in this small cage in the playroom. However, I had no idea how messy these little girls would be! They were constantly kicking their mess all over the place and they were getting bigger every day, too. So over the summer we moved them into a large, two-story rabbit hutch in the garage. They are much happier there and the mess, while it still gets to me, is much easier to manage out there, than in the house.
They are about 4 times bigger now than they were in these pictures. I’ll have to take some updated snaps soon, when I am done sorting through about 30,000 files… literally.
I hope that you are having a beautiful December, friends. I have so much to share but clearly my energies have been elsewhere for the time-being. I will be back with a real life update soon enough.
Love always–