share // want // wait // love : 01

DenaFebruary 15, 2013

Welcome to my new share // want // wait // love feature. Each post will contain one thing that I want to share, one thing that I am lusting after, one thing that I am waiting for, and one thing that I am currently loving. | separator

SHARE. The After-Glow app for iphone is definitely my app of the moment. It’s an image editing app for quick, easy and fast editing. My favourite feature is the frames tool that lets you cut images into circles. So pretty.

WANT. How precious is this miniature terrarium necklace from Uncovet? The last thing that I need is another piece of jewelry, but if I were in the market… oh yes.

WAIT. The ground is still covered in fluffy white stuff here on our little mountain, but I can feel spring coming in my bones. I am most looking forward to getting our garden started this year. I am just going to ignore the fact that this big belly full of baby boy gets in the way of everything. I’m sure I’ll find a way around it for seed planting, weed pulling, and all the rest. My gardening board on Pinterest is a constant source of inspiration.

LOVE. We don’t typically exchange gifts for the holidays (anti-consumerism and all that jazz) but something got into Matthew yesterday and he came home from work with a dozen red roses for me. Talk about making me melt!

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