
  • pink ombre cake /

    Sprinkled with Love!

    Dena March 11, 2015

    My “Sprinkle” ended up being a bit last minute. (Well, last minute according to me, since I usually plan parties 6 months+ in advance.) We ended up making a reservation and getting the invitations in the mail just under three weeks before the party date. I thought I’d made up my mind awhile back, but then I started going back & forth again. In the end, we hosted a small,…

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  • Roman’s 1st Birthday Candle

    Dena May 9, 2014

    He wasn’t quite sure what to do with the candle… …but he knew exactly what to do with the cake. That’s my boy. 😉 Have a wonderful weekend, friends. If you’ve got a moment, please give us a vote over on Top Baby Blogs! Many…

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  • Matthew’s 30th Birthday!

    Dena June 21, 2013

    Yesterday was Matthew’s 30th Birthday! It’s pretty incredible to me considering that he was only 23 when we started dating. In many ways, it feels like we have grown up together, and I love it. I am so proud of the man, husband, and father…

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