Hello, sweet friends! Happy Spring! It’s been quiet around here, even more so than usual. After having a tremendous December and January, life got a bit sticky again in February and March. I can chalk it up to a lot of things, but mostly just life with 18-month-old twins, 3 elementary-aged children, a high-schooler, and a husband in end-stage renal failure. Oh, and I started a new job in February,…
The Allay Lamp
Night wakings for feeds and diaper changes are two of the particular challenges that all mamas know very well. There is a real art to being able to navigate these needs quietly and efficiently, so as not to stimulate the baby, or in my case…
Hey there, pumpkin…
I honestly can’t believe that it’s Halloween week. What’s even harder for me to believe is that my twins are 3-months-old today. No matter how long I live, I am forever surprised by the bizarre way that time passes. On one hand it feels…
The Monaco Diaper Bag from Luli Bebe //
Hello, sweet friends! I hope you are well. The last few weeks have been way more eventful than I would like which you may know of you’ve been following along with me on Instagram. But I am going to do a full update on that…
Honey Bee Baby Shower
Last Saturday we had a little baby shower to celebrate our “babies to bee.” It was such a beautiful day of celebrating with our closest family & friends. We are so grateful for how loved these little babes already are and it makes even more…
4 Ways to Create Healthy Sleep Habits for Baby
As I mentioned last week, now that Roman and Marina are basically out of the “baby stage” and well into childhood, I’ve been doing some reflecting on the early years. I am sharing a series of posts featuring things that I’ve learned along the way.…
Finding Safe Baby Products for the Entire Home
Now that Roman and Marina are basically out of the “baby stage” and well into childhood, I’ve been doing some reflecting on the early years. I am going to share a series of posts featuring things that I’ve learned along the way. This first post…
Marina Grace in Autumn
“If I did anything right in my life, it was you.” Autumn finally blew in this morning. It carried with it all of the promises of magic & hope that only autumn can bring. My heart was so filled with inspiration and so we adventured…
Roman James @ 4 Years and 2 Months
Roman is four. Roman is four. Roman is four. I have to say it over and over again, just to get my head around it. It’s already been three months, but even still, I can’t quite believe it. In my mind, he is frozen at…