

    Questions on Eating & Sleeping

    Dena March 2, 2014

    How did you introduce solids? Also, does Roman sleep in his own room? And does he fall asleep during the night time feeding? Or do you put him back in bed drowsy? (As you might guess, I am trying to figure out the feeding and sleeping thing over here!) –Cynthia at Living in Neverland Last week I got these great questions from our friend & reader, Cynthia. I always love…

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  • Optimal Wellness: Spiritual, Physical, Emotional BALANCE

    Dena November 11, 2010

    Do you know what it takes for you to be at your best? What makes you feel amazing? What makes you feel like a million bucks, a superhero, a sexy siren, a superstar? When we feel our best, we exist in a state of homeostasis…

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