This Week // 02.20.15
Happy Friday, friends. How was your week? Mine was exhausting as you may have guessed from the quiet over here on the blog. This homestretch is taking it out of me. I’ve been slowing down physically for awhile, and now my mind is slowing down, too. By late morning, I feel myself turning off. I’ve been trying to pack nutrition into my meals & snacks for extra bursts of energy. Gratefully a nap (or even a lie down) helps a bunch and gets me through until bedtime.
It does feel a bit like life is just a series of activities between sleeps at the moment. I don’t mind too much though. Today the temperature outside is -20 ºF (-28 ºC). What good is it really to be out & about? It’s not survivable outdoors for more than a few minutes. Winter is the best time for these last weeks of my pregnancy and this slowing down of mine is right on time. Soon it will be Spring and there will be new life in every regard.
We celebrated Valentine’s Day over the weekend and it was just the sweetest. Roman and I got up early to make Papa a beautiful card and a breakfast of heart-shaped bacon & warm cinnamon buns. I was spoiled with a lovely card, chocolates, and roses and felt as special as could be. That evening I baked a pizza with a giant pepperoni heart & the boys loved it.
My father had rotator cuff (shoulder) surgery last week, so we went to visit him. Roman loves his Pop-pop so very much. It’s always a big struggle to get him to leave my parent’s house. After our visit we went to a little grill place for some grilled cheese & hot dogs all-the-way. They have a pickle bar there and Roman just about ate his weight in pickles — a boy after his mother’s heart for sure.
This morning, we put the invitations for my sprinkle out in the mail. Another check off of the “baby prep” list. It’s going to be a simple, small lunch and the perfect little way to celebrate baby girl’s impending entrance into the world. Speaking of which, I had my first vivid dream of her being here last night! It was amazing. I was holding her in my arms and she was just the sweetest thing. She looked a lot like Roman except that she had very dark features — deep brown eyes and dark hair — the very opposite of her brother! A premonition? Only time will tell.
The most exciting thing that happened this week is that my sister & I booked our annual family camping trip. Last year we went over Memorial Day Weekend and it was just the best thing ever. This year we decided to go over Labor Day Weekend so that the baby will be a bit bigger. We’ve booked a beautiful, stone lodge right on the lake, as opposed to the rougher cabins that we stayed in last year. Camping is my favourite thing in the world, but I’ll appreciate having running water and an insect-free place to sleep with a newborn in tow. Sure, it’s a long way off but it’s so wonderful to have something to daydream about.
Have a beautiful weekend, friends. Any exciting plans on your agenda? xx

Comments (4)
February 20, 2015 at 3:57 pm
Did you make your own dough for the pizza? Looks delish!
Momista Beginnings
February 20, 2015 at 8:33 pm
Oh a camping trip, sounds like so much fun! We need something exciting to look forward to over here. And those cinnamon rolls….drool. AND…no joke, that bowl of cereal was my exact breakfast this morning. I could do that dish (any cereal, really) for every meal of the day. My energy has been on the serious downhill lately, too. Hang in there 🙂 -Misty
February 21, 2015 at 6:47 am
love your valentine recipe. we had a blast, too. I think I enjoy valentine’s day more than before as Jian runs here & there…gets hyper to get ready for her daddy’s surprise!!! Really to die for!!
February 21, 2015 at 1:33 pm
-20?! Holy crap! And I’ve been dying and complaining over here about like 25 degrees. Good luck with that coldness haha Love the invitation!