baby girl style + simplicity //
While I was pregnant with Roman, a friend & I were browsing in a baby store for baby clothes. We were drooling over the adorable baby boy things. I distinctly remember saying that I was grateful to be having a boy because I would just lose it over all of the sweet, pink, girlie things.
Truth is, I’m still losing it over all of the girlie sweetness. However, I am grateful that baby #2 is the girl, rather than baby #1, because I now know just how little you really need to outfit a baby. And of course, I also know just how quickly they will outgrow all of that tiny sweetness, too.
I’ve purchased about ten pieces for her and I am cutting myself off here. I may yet pick up a few “necessaries” like onesies, socks, and a couple of swaddles — but her closet will not look anything like Roman’s did before he was born.
Our family is at a point where simplicity is absolutely critical to our happiness. The timing aligns perfectly with baby girl’s arrival. It’s incredibly easy to get caught up in the crazy world of “must-haves for baby” and I’m so glad that we are not caught up in that whirlwind.
dress one – a local boutique // dress two – j. crew // cardigan – old navy
P.S.: I purchased the above pieces during Black Friday & Cyber Monday sales.
P.P.S.: We intentionally planned for another Spring baby. I don’t know what I would do with an infant in winter!

Comments (3)
February 5, 2015 at 9:36 am
oh my gosh, there is just nothing sweeter than preparing for a baby! you are getting me all sentimental… sorry dena, i’m probably going to have to just stop reading your blog once this baby arrives because i will never survive without getting some serious baby fever!! 😉
Momista Beginnings
February 5, 2015 at 1:17 pm
So super cute 🙂 Getting caught up in that whirlwind is definitely tough to steer clear of! It’s one of the reasons I chose to not find out the sex this time around. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve browsed the baby section ANYWHERE and have been like…”Man! I so wish I knew what I was having because I’d totally buy that..and this…and there!” I’ve only bought 4 items so far: 2 simple onesies from a thrift store for $0.50 each and 2 onesie pajamas from Target (on sale)…I figure this kid will need SOMETHING to wear in the hospital/on the way home 🙂 Love your sweet, delicate style for your girl. She’s going to be so lovely 🙂 -Misty
February 5, 2015 at 3:04 pm
Ahhhh those clothes are so so so soooo cute!! It’s absurd the amount of baby clothes I had for my daughter even before she was born. Even now, she has so many clothes she gets for every kind of holiday along with the stuff that I buy her (ahead of time when there are sales, unaware that my family and friends are about to spoil her too). I get such anxiety and guilt from when she doesn’t wear each piece of clothing a few times before she outgrows them 🙁