parenting decisions + LifebankUSA

DenaFebruary 6, 2015

Recently my mind has started to wander to the “what will be…” of welcoming our new baby into the world. I’m thinking about labor & delivery; planning care arrangements for Roman; and contemplating the seemingly endless decisions that we will make once I go into a labor and in the months following baby girl’s arrival. There really is so much to think about. In today’s world, we are faced with multitudes of decisions from the moment we begin trying to conceive, all the way until our little ones grow into big ones.

As Roman has grown from the teeny, tiny little bit pictured above into the rambunctious toddler that he is today, the decisions haven’t gotten easier. I suppose that I have settled into my role as a mother some and that I have gained some small measure of confidence along the way. But deep down, I am still scared all of the time — always questioning each decision that I make. Am I doing the right thing? Is there a right thing?

I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating — being a parent is the most difficult, and the most rewarding, endeavor that I will ever undertake.

Speaking of parenting & decisions, today I’d like to introduce you to one of my blog partners, LifebankUSA.

LifebankUSA is the only cord blood bank processing material for FDA-approved clinical trials using stem cells from placental tissue. These stem cells are being used to treat patients with serious conditions. Tissue banking is simply one additional layer of protection and peace of mind for you and your family offered by LifebankUSA. The stem cells in cord blood have transformative potential and have been used to treat over 30,000 patients worldwide.

Today, babies are born into a world of extraordinary possibilities that include the enormous potential of stem cell banking. LifebankUSA offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a very real, proven layer of protection for babies and families. To learn more about placenta & cord blood banking, visit

This post is in partnership with LifebankUSA. Thank you for supporting the partners that help to make this blog possible.

Comments (2)

  • Gillian

    February 6, 2015 at 8:56 pm

    little Roman – eek!! I also used my LifeBankUSA post as an excuse to post old baby photos – it never gets old! <3

  • Tina

    February 7, 2015 at 3:24 pm

    Look at those cheeks!

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