Blog Stuff: Content Survey Results, Newsletter, & Favorite Posts
I am pleased to share that I released the first edition of my newsletter, Luminous, today. It was four days late, but better late than never. If you missed it, there is still time to subscribe. After this week, however, the first edition will be gone. As I’ve mentioned previously, it is a more personal format for me and I treat it like a personal email in a sense. Therefore, I don’t plan to release them publicly.
With that said, I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has already subscribed. When the letter didn’t come out on May 5th, as originally planned, I received messages from several of you. It just meant so much to me that you guys were actually waiting for it and thoughtful enough to inquire. I know I say it often, but my readers really are like my family. I love you all so very much and I am so grateful for you.
On a similar note, thank you to everyone who took the time to complete my recent content survey! It was fascinating to read your thoughts. I was truly surprised by some of your responses — all in a good way. I was grateful for the positive feedback and so excited to read what areas you want to see me write about more often. As far as topics go, here is what you all want to read about the most — from most wanted to least:
First Place: Simple Living & Minimalism
Second: Natural Living // Recipes // Roman & Marina Updates // Mental & Emotional Health
Third: Adventures/Travel/Day Trips // Motherhood
Fourth: Gardening // Photography
Fifth: Spirituality // Interior Home Design // Finances & Budgeting
Sixth: Creative Writing // Camping // Parties
Seventh: Style & Fashion
It was definitely enlightening. I am so happy to know that you guys love Simple and Natural Living as much as I do. Those are huge parts of my life and I am going to be diving into them a lot more deeply in the coming months.
The other things that I realized from the survey is that A LOT of you only find out about my posts via Facebook. It’s great to know that you all are reading my Facebook posts, but Facebook isn’t a reliable way to find out when I make a new post. If Facebook is the only way that you’re getting here, and you don’t want to miss posts, I would highly recommend adding my Facebook page to your “See First” list. There are simple instructions to do that right here. Or, if you want to ensure that you never miss a post, you can always subscribe to Live, Love, Simple by email.
Thank you again for all of the feedback. I read every single response & suggestion and they all meant so much to me.
The last thing I want to mention is that I updated my Popular/Favorite Posts Page today. When new visitors come to this site, it’s one of the first places that they go. I realized that I hadn’t updated it in about six years. (Yikes!) If you’re new around here, I would definitely recommend checking it out and you can do that right here. It’s a simple list of all of my personal favorite and most popular posts.
Okay, friends! I think that’s it for this blogging update. Thank you, always, for being here. I love you dearly. xo