Bonfires, S’mores, & October
Is there anything better than a crisp October evening, a bonfire, s’mores, and a good IPA? I think not. I’ve been breaking out our hoodies, sweaters, and boots. We spend afternoons in the backyard, raking leaves and making plans for trick-or-treating. As the saying goes, I am so grateful to live in a world where there are Octobers. ♥
Every night when I go out at dusk, I hear the sound of Canadian Geese overhead, flying south for the winter. Guided by an ancient intuition, they fly in a beautiful “V” formation, across the periwinkle October evening sky. There is a crisp bite in the air now and the sound of the crickets and cicadas grows even sadder and slower than it was just a few weeks ago. One season is fading into another and the magic of that ageless transition is palpable in the air. It’s almost as though I can reach right out and grab it.
I spend my days working, cleaning, cooking, and adventuring with my babies–moving and giving and doing until I am bone-tired. I am grateful for my ability to do so, even though some moments I forget this.
Yesterday we put up the rest of our outdoor Halloween decorations, which we’ve been thoughtfully collecting & curating for months now. Throughout my days, I move between feelings of complete overwhelm & sadness; and then other times so much gratitude & joy that I have to stop & wonder if a heart could actually burst for love.
Comments (1)
October 4, 2017 at 3:04 pm
the perfect kind of night!