Christmas // 2014
Happy day after Christmas, friends. You can’t hear me, but I’m letting out the biggest sigh of relief right now. We had an amazing holiday, but this mama is spent. Preparing for Christmas — with a toddler, while you’re six-months pregnant, with a husband who can’t stand or walk on his own — is a lot of work. Between shopping, wrapping, loading & unloading the car (ten million times), and all the rest that goes along with holiday festivities, I don’t think I’ve ever fallen into bed as hard as I did last night!
All of that being said, it was truly a wonderful time. Roman has been so excited over all things “Christmas” this year — especially Santa (hoho), reindeer, snowmen, sleighs, presents, and elves. Watching the magic of Christmas come alive for him was just the sweetest blessing. Roman & I spent Christmas Eve at my parents along with my sister & her family. Then on Christmas Day, all three of us ventured over to M.’s mother’s house. It was his first time out of the house (other than for doctor/hospital visits) since his injury, so it was a pretty big deal.
We are truly blessed to have two incredible mothers who always go above & beyond to make the holidays so very special for us. We ate & ate & ate, and we came home last night with full bellies & fuller hearts. Here are a few snaps from our celebrations.
^^^ my mom’s house is just the coziest ^^^
^^^ Christmas morning, sitting in his new elmo chair & opening presents ^^^
^^^ he’s extremely skeptical about wrapping paper, haha ^^^
^^^ his new block set was also a favourite ^^^
^^^ my twenty-six week baby bump! i wanted a shot to someday show baby girl that we were thinking of her ^^^
^^^ Grammy & Pop Pop got him the sweetest wooden train set ^^^
I hope that you & your family had a beautiful holiday celebration. I can’t believe it’s almost 2015!!! Eeeeek! It’s freaking me out a lot, but I’m also excited to see what the new year has in store, and especially to meet my little girl. xo
Comments (3)
December 26, 2014 at 1:46 pm
Great photos! Lyla got the same train set 🙂 You look so so beautiful mama!
December 28, 2014 at 2:15 pm
Merry Christmas! I’m glad you and your family had a wonderful holiday (you totally deserve it!) Roman just looks so adorable, ‘specially sitting like a big boy in that chair: )
December 28, 2014 at 2:36 pm
love seeing a couple pregnant photos of you! that train set is wonderful and roman is adorable as usual. merry christmas!