Cleaning Out My Closet
Remember how mortified I was after sharing a peek of my closet? Ugh. Well, I finally got around to cleaning that thing up. It was an emotional process and I did it in two parts. As I mentioned in the challenge post, the first part consisted of donating several garbage bags full to charity and giving all of the cute stuff to my sister-in-law. That happened a few months after Roman was born. The second part happened today. It consisted of purging two more garbage bags full. I went through everything relentlessly. I asked three questions of every piece: Will I ever wear this again? Should I ever wear this again? Will this ever fit me again? Then, when I was done with it all — I went through it again with an even harsher eye.
I’m really proud of the progress that I made and the purging that I did. I’m not done yet though. In a few weeks, I want to go over everything once more. I held onto several pieces because they have sentimental value and I think I need to let go of most of those, too.
Simple living is really important to me. I know that it is so very good for my soul. I thrive in cleanliness and organization. It’s a real challenge, however, because I am naturally messy! But I am adding simplicity + organization to my goals for 2014. This will be the year that I break my dirty (pun-intended) habits.
Comments (6)
January 24, 2014 at 9:53 am
I am so proud of you! After Suzy & you, I think it’s my turn to go through my closet ( or almira ) to get rid of the unnecessaries.
January 24, 2014 at 9:58 am
But your closet already looks beautiful! ;]
January 24, 2014 at 12:09 pm
Yay!! Good job!
January 29, 2014 at 10:01 am
Thanks, love. Feels great.
January 24, 2014 at 3:39 pm
Dena, I did this back in the summer/fall before I started gaining again with the second pregnancy. I was also super critical because my body is def different since having Nathaniel. I got rid of at least 50-60%. And it took me about a week. I still want to purge more but obviously those clothes don’t fit right now.
Good for you! It feels good doesn’t it.
January 29, 2014 at 10:01 am
It’s such a great feeling to purge and move on! Isn’t it?