Friday Carousel — 12.04.09

DenaDecember 4, 2009

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Welcome to December & more importantly, welcome to this week’s Friday Carousel. There have been lots of great things floating around the ‘net this week. Here are a few of my favorites—

“In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.” —Aaron Rose

1. The Guaranteed Way to Never Say Something You’ll Regret: An awesome post from Jared at Spiritual Zen.

…the next time you’re not quite sure if you should say something or not, ask yourself three simple questions: Is it Truthful? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind?

2. Ten Reasons Why Using Twitter Will Boost Your Happiness: I love Twitter & I love happiness. Win-win!

3. Benefits of Simplifying Your Life: Lower stress, lessen clutter — great tips.

4. Eight Tips to Know If You’re Being Boring: This should be required reading for adults.

A person who repeats, “Oh really? Wow. Oh really? Interesting…” isn’t particularly engaged.

5. 12 Unrecognizable Before and After Views of Cities: This one really made me think…

Despite the appearance of permanence that historic buildings create, many if not most of the worlds famous cities have been almost entirely destroyed either by war, property speculation or Ayn Randian architects.

6. Advice — I Need Free Psychotherapy

Dear Need Some Help,

I’m warning you, this is going to be a weird one. So I’m giving you some very practical, easy-to-follow instructions up front.

7. Will Smith Shares His Wisdom on Life.

8. 8 Things No One Tells You About Marriage & 5 Things Super-Happy Couples Do Every Day: A little something for the couples.

Have a gorgeous weekend! Spread light & love where ever your path takes you.

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