Happy 2nd Birthday, Roman James!
Oh, my sweet boy. I’m writing this on the day before your birthday and these photographs are actually from last week. I just don’t know if I’ll get to write tomorrow — you know how crazy these days are. You had your haircut today, too — so you look older & more handsome than these pictures show. But it’s alright. What matters is that I’m sitting down to write this to you now because I never want to forget. I love you with every fiber of my self. You are my sunshine. I cannot believe that we’ve been together for two whole years already (well two years and nine months, really). The time is passing so quickly. You’re getting bigger and smarter every day. I find myself wanting to freeze time so often, but I remind myself that I can’t. Instead, I cherish every moment. I snap images of our life, as it is right now, in my mind’s eye so that I never forget — your tiny, sweet voice; your bright blue eyes; your sweet, little feet; your soft blond hair; your fearlessness; your joy. I love every piece and part of you. You are perfect. (Here come my tears.) I love you, little one. Now and for always. Happy, happy birthday my darling boy. I am so grateful that you are mine.

Comments (5)
May 7, 2015 at 9:26 am
Awww happy early 2nd birthday Roman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 11, 2015 at 12:33 pm
May 8, 2015 at 7:37 pm
Happy Birthday Roman! Birthdays are so emotional; I too try to freeze time in my mind of my sweet precious babies. I hope you and your family had a wonderful day celebrating this wonderful little soul!
May 11, 2015 at 12:34 pm
Thank you, Gillian. xo
Momista Beginnings
June 4, 2015 at 9:05 pm
You’re such a good mama. He’s lucky to have you. Happy Birthday, handsome boy! I hate how fast time is flying. This makes me miss Mia at 2! Ha. So glad I blogged or I would have forgotten it all.