June Calendar // Free Desktop Background
Dear Friends,
How has May treated you? For me, it’s been a roller coaster of the most high highs, followed by the lowest of the lows. And yet, after all of that, something happened today, something so magical that for a few moments I honestly thought I was dreaming. Ever had a moment like that? Where the reality of life is so sweet that for an instant you can’t even believe that it’s real?
Life is strange and wonderful, isn’t it?
Tomorrow starts June and soon the sweetness of spring will bloom into the warmth of summer. While the early blossoms of the season have drifted away, there is a whole new crop of flowers beginning to open. As I walk through nature in June, I am always reminded of the famous Ralph Waldo Emerson quote, “The earth laughs in flowers.”
This new free desktop background is clearly a tribute to that lovely quote. I hope that it serves as a light and reminder of nature’s beauty to you.
To download it, simply click on the link below that best suits your screen size. Then right-click and choose ‘set as desktop background.’ Enjoy!
June Calendar // Desktop Background 1024 X 768 px
June Calendar // Desktop Background 3840 X 2860 px
Lots of love always,