Life is But a Dream…
I finally started to feel better over the weekend. I’m still not 100% sure what was wrong, but it seems that I either had kidney stones and passed them or I had a kidney infection that has cleared up. Either way it was unpleasant and I am so glad that it’s behind me. We had a nice weekend visiting with my family on Saturday and spending the day at Matt’s mother’s on Sunday. This week we’ve gone mattress shopping, have run lots of errands, and started to decorate the yard with autumn decorations. It’s amazing how mundane daily chores turn into adventures when you have a little one in tow. We went out for a simple lunch yesterday and it was so much fun having Roman with us. He is such a good baby. We can take him anywhere and he is content to sit and observe all of the new sights and sounds. His love for the world around him is apparent. It fills me with the deepest, most satisfying joy.
Roman & I have been taking a six-week “Mommy & Me” fitness class on Wednesdays and tomorrow is our last class. We just started story time at the library, too. That will run until the end of November. It’s been really nice to get out of the house and to interact with other mamas and their littles. I’ve been nervous about winter approaching. Most years we get epic amounts of snow here on our little mountain. Roman is a good boy but, oh, how he hates to be stuck in the house. I think we’ll be making frequent trips to the library and any other place that has heat and will let us in!
My shirt and Roman’s one piece are c/o Truly Sanctuary. I am so in love with these pieces!
Later this week, we’ll be carving our pumpkins and getting ready for a little Halloween party that we’re throwing. SO EXCITED! Hope that you’re having a great week. xo

Comments (2)
October 17, 2013 at 12:12 pm
I love the photos! Oh fall, it’s makes everything look so lovely and dreamy. It still hasn’t peaked down here yet, it makes me a little antsy. I need more crunchy leaves.
That’s so cool you do classes and such with Roman! How did the fitness class go? I’d love to do more stuff with Sam. With my work, I’ll most likely be able to do something like Little Gym or swim classes around Feb: )
October 18, 2013 at 9:57 am
Thank you, doll. There really is just SOMETHING about those crunchy leaves! The fitness class was awesome. It kicked my butt every week and we had so much fun being around other babies and mamas. I’m going to check out The Little Gym. I’ve heard lots of good things.