Something Extraordinary
Something extraordinary (to me) happened this morning. Roman’s changing pad has always been one of his favourite places. I know, weird, right? I kind of get it though. It’s always been such a place of smiles and routine for us. From the time that I brought him home from the hospital, I always changed his diapers and gave him his sponge baths there. Every bath and every diaper change was full of laughter and songs as I tried to keep him happy through our routines. “The Alphabet Song” has always been a favourite and now he loves “The Wheels on the Bus,” too.
I wish I could say that I was the first thing that made him genuinely smile, but I can’t. He was always fascinated by the shadows that my body would cast on the wall next to him on his changing pad. Then one day, when he was about a month old, he began smiling at those shadows. Really smiling. My little Peter Pan, I thought, smiling at the shadows.
This morning he took the whole thing to another level. I was changing him from his pajamas into his outfit for the day. He was staring intently at my shadow bouncing on the wall. Then suddenly, he reached out to touch it. Wherever my shadow moved, he would follow it with his little finger tips. I moved my hands in circles to see if he was really doing it. And sure enough, he followed the shadow of my hand in a little circle, too. My brilliant boy.
The past week has been a lot like this. He is interacting with everything in new ways. Reaching out to touch and taste. Exploring the world. I leave him in his walker on one side of the room and come back to find him on the other side. He wiggles right off of his play mat now and makes it across the carpet with ease.
When did this happen? When did my little baby go from simply observing his world to consciously interacting with it? It’s wonderful and overwhelming all at once. But mostly, it’s just absolutely extraordinary. I am amazed by the joy and wonder of motherhood. Every day is a miracle and I am so grateful for every precious moment.

Comments (6)
October 17, 2013 at 5:38 am
Oh, I know the feeling! And there will be more and more miracles every day. You’ll see.
October 17, 2013 at 11:23 am
How wonderful. Miracles every day. <3
Misty Carone
October 18, 2013 at 2:02 am
So cool, right?! This was a lovely little share into one of the sweetest of simplicities. Those are the moments that matter most, as all us new moms have caught on to 🙂 Enjoy the changes. That’s all we can do since we’re never asked before baby decides to move on from being a baby.
October 18, 2013 at 9:34 am
You are so right, lady! Nobody asks us! 🙁 Haha… all that we can do is enjoy it while it lasts. <3
October 30, 2013 at 12:43 am
moments like these are truly extraordinary and they just get better and better every day. it’s hard to pinpoint what my days are like because every day feels so different with a little one! child development is something I’ve always been so intrigued by, it just never ceases to amaze me! when isabella does something new, I pretty much lose it and go bonkers 🙂 – i can’t think of a better job than simply being a mama!
October 30, 2013 at 10:15 am
I couldn’t agree with you more! It’s simply the best. <3