Roman Starts Kindergarten
Roman’s first day of kindergarten was September 5, 2018. It was a day that I had dreaded since the day that he was born. My heart is at once broken and proud all at the same time.
He was hesitant and shed a few tears at morning drop off on the first day, but by the time I came to pick him up that afternoon, he was all smiles. And he’s been smiling ever since. He loves his teacher, his classroom, and his new friends. Every day he comes home with something new to share. He has always been the sweetest, smartest boy and that continues now that he is a big kindergartner.
I wasn’t ready for this transition, but I suppose that I never would have been ready. My hope was always to homeschool both of my children, but life had other plans for us. I wish that our district at least had the option of half-day kindergarten, but again, this is the hand that we’ve been dealt. He is exhausted by the time I go to pick him up in the afternoon, but he is a trooper and pushes through it. I pray that eventually he will adjust.
Today is the first day of October and so we’re almost a month into the school year already. We are looking forward to all of the magic that lies ahead.