
  • Be brave.

    heart spill // february

    Dena February 24, 2016

    I’m tired and sad in a heartbreaking way. I think perhaps I shouldn’t be writing this today. After all, I felt fine yesterday. But perhaps I only felt fine for a little while at a time. Perhaps, I really am just sad and tired. And that’s okay. My life has been turned upside down recently. A series of long anticipated events coming together, a perfect storm, if you will. And…

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  • Bravery

    Dena August 22, 2013

    As Borges said in his writings, “There is no other virtue than being brave.” And one has to understand that braveness is not the absence of fear, but rather the strength to keep on going forward despite the fear. —Paulo Coelho I’ve been starting this…

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  • The Catacombs of Paris

    Dena November 18, 2010

    I will write a full post about Day 4 in Paris, but I am writing a separate post about my experience in the Catacombs of Paris for two reasons. First, the fourth day of my trip was full & bursting at the seams. And second,…

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