Getting to this point——deciding to winter in spring——was a long process. It was an excruciatingly slow descent from a period of general wellness and peace to this very dark, seemingly hopeless place. Right now, I am sitting at the kitchen table. A eucalyptus and spearmint candle has been burning all morning. There is a vase of lilacs to the left of me. Between the scent of the lilacs and the…
Types of Cognitive Distortions
In my last post about anxiety, I shared a cognitive behavior therapy Thought Tracking Sheet. If you suffer from anxiety, this sheet can change your life. By tracking our thoughts and learning how to observe them and change them with the sheet, we can develop…
Thought Tracking Sheet: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
It has been two decades since I learned the power of thought tracking and it saved my life. I first wrote about thought tracking in 2009, today, 13 years later, I am sharing the tool so that you can use it yourself. I have created…
a year later
Here we are, a year later. Like most people who meet them, I am obsessed with their cheeks–soft and full and perfect. I cannot count how many times I have kissed those little cheeks, at least 30 times a day, every day, if I had…
On Starting Over Again with Self-Kindness
During this first year of twin motherhood, my physical wellness has slipped away once again. Mentally and emotionally I’ve done remarkably well. I’ve been hit with obstacle after obstacle during these 12 months but I’ve handled it all with grace. I’ve remained present. I’ve enjoyed…
Letting Go: One Story of Many
Shortly after the twins were born, I began writing their birth story. I wanted to write it out while it was all still fresh in my mind. I got most of it written out but I could not bring myself to finish it or to…
The Only Thing You Can Control
Hello, sweet friends. I hope that this message finds you well. I received a warm response to my last post about coming back to this space again and it meant the world to me. My creative energies come & go but they are most definitely…
let me tell the stories;
Let me go back. Let me tell the stories. They will come out of me in a great heave, the way they always have. All that I have held onto, all that I have held in. Let me release it. Let me tell the stories.…
Does Your Child Have Separation Anxiety?
Every good parent wants their child to love and need them. After all, you are raising this little human, and you want them to recognize what you do for them. But is it possible they need you too much? What does separation anxiety look like?…