Thoughts on Blended Family Life…
There is so much to say about blended family life. It’s not something that I ever anticipated for myself; but life has a funny way of doing that, doesn’t it? Presenting you with the unexpected.
Sometimes it feels like my little family just expanded overnight and other times I can see the long, winding road that led us to this place. And either way, it’s beautiful, and something that is so sacred to me. Living in a blended family (where two existing families come together) is like navigating on the sea in many ways. Some days it is smooth sailing and other days the water is choppy and wild.
If I am completely honest, our journey in coming together as a family of six has been remarkably smooth. J. and I had (and have) our fair share of challenges within our relationship, like all couples do, but when it comes to the family dynamic, it’s been easy. I think that is because he is incredibly laid back. He is the most patient and chill person that I know. That balances out my intense, anxious personality. A lot of people could not handle the way that I am, as evidenced by my failed relationships, but he handles me gracefully and patiently, which I am grateful for beyond measure.
More than balancing one another out, the biggest reason that we succeed in living and parenting together is because of how we communicate. On a daily basis, we are both really good listeners. We don’t just hear each other, but we actively listen. When one of us makes a positive suggestion, the other one of us will work on making changes to improve our words or actions to meet that suggestion. When I say something to him and then a few days later I see him putting that suggestion into practice, it literally makes my heart explode with gratitude and love. Seeing that happen, knowing that we are being heard and valued means everything. It is the ultimate symbol of respect and love.
Our life isn’t perfect, but it’s perfect for us. At the end of the day, our core values are very aligned and, most importantly, our biggest motivation in life is the same: To raise our children in peace and love and to let them know that they are so loved by us and by God. With that as our guiding principle it makes it easy.
As for these photos, we’ve been taking little day trips that allow us to get out of the house while at the same time maintaining safe, social distance. On one of last week’s gorgeous spring afternoons, we took the ride up to Ringwood Manor and walked down to the falls. I feel so lucky to have this historic place so close to us. Ringwood Manor is deeply rich in history, dating all the way back to Native American times and later playing an important role in the American Revolution. In addition to taking in the fresh air, we also included a little history lesson into our outing.
Happy Saturday, friends. Keep trying to find the light that is hidden within the darkness. xo
Comments (2)
April 4, 2020 at 7:59 pm
Amazing you guys are allowed trips! We arent here. Just walks in our area. Im so happy for you, you are in amazing place. Its what youve always deserved 😘
April 7, 2020 at 2:53 pm
It’s almost as if I spoke too soon. As of today all parks are closed to the public. Sad, but necessary. <3