Hey friends! I finally got around to sorting my photos from the twin’s 1st Birthday Ice Cream Party. We had the party back in July and it was a lot of fun. Our families came to celebrate Jonah and Jordan with a pool party and a visit from our favorite local ice cream truck. It was hot and a bit of work setting up, but it was all worth it.…
blended family
Honey Bees, Financial Dreams + Watching Things Come to Life
Thank you Lexington Law Firm for sponsoring this post. A high service partner and consumer advocate that will help you fight for the credit you deserve! Oh, sweet friends, I have so much to tell you, I hardly know where to start. This past spring,…
Thoughts on Blended Family Life…
There is so much to say about blended family life. It’s not something that I ever anticipated for myself; but life has a funny way of doing that, doesn’t it? Presenting you with the unexpected. Sometimes it feels like my little family just expanded overnight…
Time Management: Meal Planning
As you’ll soon notice, I’ve been having a lot of fun with bullet-journaling. In addition to helping with time management and organization, I love that it’s encouraging me to get creative and start drawing which has been on my wishful to-do list for years. As…
The Comeback Is Always Stronger Than the Setback…
Hello, darlings. I am popping in with a little life update and a big announcement. Let’s start with the big announcement first. That is–I’m coming back to blogging! Or I should say, we’re coming back to blogging. But more on that in a bit. Yes,…
A Season of Opening…
I’ve sat down countless times to write this post. Not necessarily this post, with these pictures, but the post about this season in my life, about the last year–the transition, the unfolding, the opening. There is something that happens when you experience loss on a…